I don’t think the likes are relevant. It’s just an interesting observation to see that someone seemingly made a lot of alts to like a post. This observation has nothing to do with the suggestion itself though.
I just wonder why someone would do this. Are these alts of Pandoralica, or are they alts of someone who would really like to kill newbies in a 1v1 arena? Or is it someone who would like to raise suspicion on the thread? We’ll never know. It is strange though.
I think the “trust problem” is a real barrier for new players. I have fleeted with people I met via Rookie Help, and got a nice increase in income. But even then, it’s only if someone else has already reported a good experience with the experienced player.
I wouldn’t reply to a stranger making an offer in a public channel.
EVE has plenty of nice players. But they are obscured by the massive over-supply of the their opposite.
Rookies learn that early, while still in Rookie Help: even though it’s semi-moderated, the presence of the less-helpful kind of player is obvious.
Of course there are ways to mitigate both the trust problem and the difficulty of distinguishing between nice/griefer players who offer to help - but not in a pure sandbox.
I can see the OP and two or three friends using their active alts to like the first post. Forgivable if it’s something like that. I hope the OP didn’t create a lot of new Alphas
I would have liked it based on the quality of the presentation, even if I really disliked the suggestion.
I like it a lot though - even if it just simplified beginners’ path to playing around with combat I think it would be worthwhile. EVE is so big an complicated at first: it’s impossible to prioritize, and both easy and natural to defer combat for later. Putting it into the NPE (even, as I said before, a so-so implementation) would help just by taking away the decision and directing everyone into PvP combat.
No, posts should be considered wholesomely. Ignoring the person behind what they’re communicating opens all doors for manipulation and abuse. I can understand why you might believe otherwise, though, considering that you’re incapable of trusting people, thus having no actual idea of people.
Also note that I’ve specifically mentioned that I don’t dislike the idea per se, but that it’s wrong to call that, which is not social, social.
Whatever system you would go for it would always have flaws. I get that you think “we did it, why can’t they?!” but the reality is that the game itself and games in general aren’t the same as in 2010 anymore. Starting in FW is not the same either (i started to pvp in fw when it first came out btw.)
Im very aware on how PVP in eve works. Most newbies dont even reach the state of looking for a fight and im pretty sure people who would come up through the current state of the game would also be able to deal with the step from the ENPE to real pvp. It really is just to showcase how a perfectly fair fight would look like so they can actually go out and look for stuff.
Like mentioned in the post i did leave out a lot of details. One one the details would be for example that you would have to complete the tutorial and normal npe within the last couple of weeks in order to run the enpe. I do not see a lot of veterans do the tutorial to then enter a few ibis/merlin/corm 1on1s to finally get to cruisers and 2v2. Dont get me wrong, there will be some dickheads and recruiters and so on but it will not be the majority you are talking about.
Yes it does. The core concept is spaceships shooting each other until something explodes. Nothing can be exactly like the real pvp in the game other than the real pvp itself. I believe it would simply give newbies an idea of how pvp would go down, thats it.
Nobody is getting forced to anything. If people aren’t interested they simply wont do it i guess. To claim it would drive people away cause they liked it is also a little weird. Wouldn’t they go out and try to find favourable matchups for themselfs after finishing if they enjoyed it?
What about both? Let them make the decision and see if they want to do one first then the other or skip the enpe and go straight to fw or non of it.
I commented on it earlier… please dont get me banned lol
I simply linked it in our discord and told people to check it out. Some people liked it so whats the problem?
If you guys actually cared about whats going on you could check those peoples killboards… To say its suspicious or even hint towards me manipulating this with alts is ridiculous. But accusations are so fun to throw around and if you got your buddy to show support it feels like the right thing to do i guess hm?
The disagreement has more to do with the fact it doesn’t show the players EVE, it shows them instances and arenas and gives them the wrong idea on what EVE is.
People need to realize that there is nothing in its place though. So atm it doesnt show eve or anything else. Its just pve that bores people quickly and they quit before they even understand that there is more to even look for.
I just mean that people could get the wrong idea of what PVP is in EVE because of those 1v1 arenas. They have no idea of the game yet, but when the only type of PVP they encounter in the NPE is an 1v1 to the death, they might get the wrong idea. 1v1s are nothing for me for example and could have scared me away, even though I really like the idea of PVP in EVE.
People likely won’t try to find favourable matchups when they notice they like 1v1 arenas. Instead, they will do more 1v1 arenas and create new accounts if that’s what it takes to play the 1v1 arena. They will come to the forums telling CCP that there should be more 1v1 arenas because they want combat at the press of a button and they do not want to fly around in space to find people to shoot. People get the wrong idea of PVP in EVE through such arenas.
If people can join 1v1s and 2v2s by creating a new account, there are a lot of veterans willing to do so. I’ve seen the suggestion for ‘1v1 arena at the press of a button’ on these forums before and some people would love to play it without the need to actually participate in the EVE universe by flying through it in search of targets.
Well currently they join with most likely the wrong idea of pvp in eve as there is nothing compareable i think. With the enpe it would atleast soften the blow i hope.
I can see a hand full of idiots do that but i also believe 99% of people would get bored of doing that very quickly. Create a new account and do the tutorial + npe to then get through the boring first matches to then have a hand full of cruiser and 2on2 matches? just doesnt seem like a major thing for people to do but hey the level autism of eve players has been underestimated before ofc.