That’s why you don’t prepare the ships centrally if that’s such a chore, but tell the fleet members to prepare their own ships.
Or transfer them once, and tell members to replace lost ships themselves so the ‘distribution chore’ happens only once instead of every fleet.
Im sure they already thought of that
Have you asked?
It sounds like your alliance - which is rather new - is still in the process of learning things that others have solved already.
They may like to learn something new that could significantly shorten the preparation time at the start of fleets, which you will need if you ever start doing defence fleets in response to incoming enemies, or responsive offensive fleets when an opportunity presents itself.
Then it’s a pretty big red flag if they haven’t figured out something this basic
You’re in Absolute Order right?
It’s only last year I heard about them for the first time. They have no sovereignty and have trouble getting a fleet ready without commsnders personally handing out ships to everyone.
I think they’re pretty new.
How would you give a ship to 150 people fast and securely? @Lugh_Crow-Slave
You tell those 150 members in advance to have the ship ready, sell the ships on your market and pay SRP for everyone who loses one.
You could even outsource stocking the market to your industry players!
What if not everyone has a ship ready?
They buy one.
Link the ship fit in MOTD.
What if they dont have the ISK?
Then you tell these new players they can contact some people in the corporation for free handout ships.
In advance, so you don’t have to hand out 150 ships while you want to undock a fleet. And give them multiple ships so they last a while.
That’s how we do it.
Big fleets tend to have lots of people that need a ship
That’s why you prepare the ships in advance.
No, I meant you -the fleet members- prepare ships in advance.
What if the fleet members cant or haven’t done that?
Then they buy one.
Link fits in the fleet MOTD and make sure the market is stocked.
What if they dont have the ISK?
That’s why they ask for free handouts from a few members of the alliance who have the role to access free handout ships.
In advance, so those new players without ISK too have a ship ready to go before the fleet.