Faction standing (all 4 major factions)

These are my current standings, showing modified with Level 5 Connections or Diplomacy and unmodified (Base) standings.

High Sec Empire Standings - Modified (Base):
Amarr Empire +7.60 (+7.00)
Ammatar Mandate +4.04 (+2.56)
Caldari State +7.43 (+6.33)
Concord Assembly +2.56 (+0.70)
Gallente Federation +7.58 (+6.98)
Khanid Kingdom +5.27 (+4.09)
Minmatar Republic +7.66 (+7.08)
The Interbus +5.21 (+4.01)

Other Factions - Modified (Base):
Jove Empire +3.73 (+2.16)
Mordu’s Legion Command +4.18 (+2.72)
ORE +3.56 (+1.95)
Servant Sisters Of Eve +8.54 (+8.17)
The Society Of Conscious Thought +3.72 (+2.15)

Angel Cartel -6.00 (-10.00)
Blood Raider Covenant -5.98 (-9.98)
Guristas Pirates -5.91 (-9.89)
Sansha’s Nation -6.00 (-10.00)
Serpentis -6.00 (-10.00)
The Syndicate -4.92 (-8.65)
Thukker Tribe -0.55 (-3.19)

I can easily gain positive standings with Angel and Guristas via the Level 3 Epic Arcs. Sansha and The Syndicate can be raised via the alternate endings of Amarr and Gallente Level 4 Epic Arcs. That will maintain my standings with all the current positive Factions. Raising Thukker Tribe would negatively affect all Faction standings except Minmatar. However since I originally had very high standings with Thukker when I first started working ‘The Plan’, it won’t take much for me to get them positive again. That was actually my initial goal when I first created ‘The Plan’. Accomplishing that goal will just take time.

I could even raise Blood Raiders and Serpentis Factions but doing that would incur a large negative impact on my standings so I’d need to get my positive standings even higher to act as a buffer. However in the process of doing that Concord would become negative. Since Concord controls high sec systems I definitely don’t want to do that.

So in order to maintain safe passage in all high sec systems, Blood Raiders and Serpentis would have to remain negative. All other Factions can be made positive.