FAQ about Singularity (SISI)

It was working earlier but it has been a bit on/off last few days, eve-offline does say it’s up. Also have you changed your password in the last few months (since last copy-back) ?

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I’ve been trying to get into Sigularity for a month. After they had problems with the server, they did not recognize my password or username.

In Singularity if I want to recover the password, it cannot find the page

Sorry idk, raise a ticket maybe? Good luck though, last ticket I raised is still waiting for a response after a week :frowning:

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I sent. They said it only helps me with problems in Tranquility and sent me here in Test Server Feedback

Do players get a notification or something like this when TQ is mirrored to Sisi? Or does that just happen and you maybe never know it?
Because I have a rathe rnew account on TQ and therefor cannot acces Singularity atm, but I would really like to. So currently I check Sisi everyday whether I can log in yet or not.

Singularity still down?? Cannot even see it in the Launcher server list.

No, though CCP sometimes announce it here on the forums.

@ISD_Sakimura you may like to consider updating the OP, if Sordina is correct :slight_smile:



Come on CCP please push for a SISI Mirror. I have an Alpha friend who has access yet me as Omega player can not. I love this game but not having access to the singularity server really sucks!

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Q: When was the last mirror for sisi?

Good while ago, probly a couple of months at least.

Q: when will the next sisi mirror going to happen? thanks!

Answer to that question is present in OP.

In CCP’s SINGULARITY help desk article, https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/202331461-Test-Server-Singularity-, it states “the Tranquility database is “mirrored” (copied) over to the Singularity server once every few months (or more often, if needed by the CCP Quality Assurance department)”

Can we see when the last mirror was so we can guess when the next mirror will be? IE if the last mirror was 3.5 months ago the next one is likely to happen soon.

It is not guaranteed to refresh on a set schedule, but each time they mirror, it is generally posted in the forums. For example, the late June mirror announcement. It will probably not be mirrored again before the end of 3rd quarter 2020 unless refreshed data is needed for a specific test.

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Hi, activate my Singularity pleeeeease :blush:

You’ll have to wait for a mirror to happen.