Favorite music videos

I like it despite being an advert:

And This one from his Irish twin brother:

:heart_eyes: Love Weird Al songs


Let’s jump into frigates in LowSec an Dance

I head to station for repairs whilst Baby’s on Fire.

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As you explode in my rear monitor, I shed a single Teardrop.

Best concert footage of Rammstein Du Hast

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Loosely related, this animated video for Sebastien Tellier’s song “Look” is quite tantalizing…

Are you an Ass-Man too?

Another feel good video with one of the cutest love songs…

…and a skillful singer.

Just… Legendary :smiley:


Katy Perry, best version.

Anything by Andy Rehfeldt :upside_down_face:

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If you haven’t seen 2 Cellos…

just epicness

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Get off the skank n the paranoia will disappear.