[Feb 2023] Reminder on Test Server Rules

Hey everyone!

With the new mirror, it has come to our attention that there are some players who are either unaware or deliberately disobeying the rules.

We encourage everyone to peruse the rules, however for a quick summary:

General rules

  • No interfering with the work of CCP staff or volunteers.
  • Combat by consent only, except in the designated combat system (M-OEE8).
    • This includes shooting Upwell Structures outside of M-OEE8
  • Do not ask CCP Developers, GMs or volunteers for skills, ships or items.
  • Players are forbidden from taking any action that can affect the server stability and performance, such as:
    • No mass-dropping of items in space (structures, warp bubbles, shuttles, POS modules etc).
    • Do not make purchases from the market en mass. Buy only what you need.
    • Do not mass refine large numbers of ships or items.
  • Selling items on the Test server for ISK on TQ is not allowed.
  • No politics on the test server. Leave your Tranquility conflicts behind when you log on to the test server.
  • The EVE Online Terms of Service and the EULA apply on the test servers as well.

Combat systems (M-OEE8) specific additional rules

No AoE warp inhibiting modules at the gates, and the CCP-owned structures (within 500 km).

Rules concerning Sovereignty and player-owned infrastructure

The first person to claim sovereignty in an unclaimed system is entitled to hold sovereignty in that system until the claim becomes invalid.

Exceptions from the above rule: If the sovereignty claiming is done with malicious intent, i.e. to disrupt other players’ testing, the right to sovereignty is void.

Claiming or challenging sovereignty in a system already claimed by another alliance is not allowed without consent.

The rule concerning non-consensual combat includes all structures (including POS and Upwell structures). Do not attack structures without permission from the owner!


Breach of the rules may result in disciplinary actions on Singularity and Tranquility server, up to a permanent ban (including alt accounts).

If you witness a player breaking the rules on the Singularity Test Server, please report them by emailing the Customer Support department at support@eveonline.com with a detailed description of the incident and any supporting evidence that can help with the investigation

We will be issuing account-wide warnings and bans on Tranquility for those found in violation.


Pardon my ignorance as I don’t use the Test Server as much as I should, although that is changing :wink: My question is regarding the prices on the Test Server. Prior to the update I could buy ships to test for 100isk. The new mirror is exactly that, it has the live server prices which kind of limits any testing if your wallet is somewhat thin :crazy_face: Will the prices be amended or is this the way forward now?

There are still ships for 100 isk available on Singularity. Normally there is one station per constellation seeded with 100isk items.

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Ah, OK. Thanks for the quick response. o7

Why Quantum Cores are not sell for 100 ISK?

Before citadels in nul-sec constellations also was a stations with seeded market. Now they are empty. And I need to carry items from nearest NPC constellation.
How about to put one CCP citadel with market (on test server) per empty constellation or region?

could we get a rule change by chance to be able to shoot abandon stations in a system that we own like we own the sov to it so we can clear the system out for other testing someone might wana do? i ask this because there are things that i think some of it would be nice to be able to clear some of the sites out like if someone wants to put moons up to try and test how long it take to build something they cant because alot of the moons have stations on them already.

i dont see the harm in this being a thing

Why not remove the structures in the actual game. Since you own the system as you say. And then with the next update, you have a free moon.

Problem solved.

some of us dont have big block alliances backing them and there for your point here is not even right your post has no point here.

@CCP_Habakuk @CCP_Swift is anything being done about people buying up all the mats to resell for billions each?

If you do report those issues they will get the proper punishment

speaking of test server rules, i remember that back in the day ccp used to seed player owned stations…
is that still a thing?

You want a structure, you need to build it

it’s already built mate… i want it seeded

You can find all Upwell Structures on the market on Singularity, including Citadels, Refineries, and Engineering Complexes :+1:

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