Federation Day 2018 (Discussion)

Thank you very much for not only brainstorming an event for Federation Day, but opening the discussion to players as well!

So my suggestion for Federation Day kind of ties back into a type of world-building that was regarded as a great event, generated pvp, explored lore, and basically got people involved. That event was the Tacical Destroyers research race event. Players were able to deposit sleeper loot (and in at least one case, keep sleeper loot independently deposited) with NPCs representing the major four empires. How a faction placed in the race determined the timing of the in-game introduction of that faction’s Tactical Destroyer.

In a similar way, Federation Day and the Agency event surrounding it could serve as the foundation or determiner of a new set of Gallente Federation candidates for president. Players—as capsuleers—would then get to contribute to the campaigns of one or more candidates through loot items they pick up from Agency sites, etc.

This could be a fun and engaging way to do several things:

One, it can be marketed on the launcher and through promotional materials to players as “Help determine the future of the Federation! Log-in and support your candidate today!”, which would bolster participation and possibly bring players back into activity.

Second, it would engage players with the lore in a way that leads to a meaningful impact, giving every participant a sense of contributing to a deeper Eve story. A lot of players wanted to participate in the Amarr Championships, for instance, but fortunately, the democratic nature of the Federation offers a bigger platform for potentially much wider participation.

Third, it would build upon pre-existing capabilities. Namely, that new items (like Christmas gifts) can be created and that those items (like sleeper loot) can be deposited to an NPC representing one of the candidates.

Fourthly, in addition to more PVE content, the PVP content can be presented as competing lobbies using Capsuleer proxies to sabotage their opponent candidates’ campaigns. Naturally, anyone with an interest in the outcome of the Federation’s elections would therefore be participating as lobbies seek muscle to obtain materials/NPC items for their own candidates’ campaigns. In fact, the nature of a race would incentivize players to undock and obtain the materials for their candidates, invigorating space and therefore player population.

Finally, you would not need to leverage a pirate faction as the scapegoat for this event. The hardest part would be finding NPCs and NPC corporations to represent candidates, but I have faith it could be done.

Edit: Actually, after thinking about it, you would need a pirate faction of some sort to provide a place that would drop the items. Apologies!

In conclusion, an elections event could attract players to the game, energize the player community, would be simple to fit into the lore, and would all be within pre-existing development capabilities similar to the Tactical Destroyers research event.

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In my opinion, as Executor of one of the largest/oldest/still clinging to life Gallente Militia alliances, that Federation day has for far too long been fixated on the nonsense of highsec. We should have a celebration throughout lowsec. It should involve an awesome public fleet, welcome to all that support the federation, and we should cruise around destroying our enemies until the sun rises the next morning.

Fueled by the best of Federation bourbon.

All that support this motion, please say AYE.


I think you’re somewhat missing the point of the current discussion. The idea is to offer feedback for a potential agency event.

If you wanted to run a public lowsec roam, there’s absolutely nothing stopping you, especially when they’re asking for players to help run their own related events. However it would be separate from the CCP run pve event.


I know :stuck_out_tongue: just trying to stir up a bit of fun. Goodness knows we need it… XD

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You could resurrect the UDI as a npc opposing force for in-space beacons.

United against Decadence and Impurity, is what they were all about, and they had some presence in all space iirc.

is a mention of them.

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Yep, I’d definitely shoot them.

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Discount on some/all Federation themed goods in New Eden Store or making few new ones
Men’s Gallente Federation Exploration Suit and Women’s Gallente Federation Exploration Suit are a thing but you don’t do nothing with them, like how or when to give them to us, this may be the right moment

Agency event with Templis Dragonaurs or somekind of informal group like the “Purity of the Throne” for Amarr event

Maybe some World News Articles buildup toward the Federation Day
Mentas Blaque (or introduce some new interesting person that would maybe run in future elections) make a short speech :wink:

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Well I’m Minmatar and I gotta say I don’t recall ever hearing about a Gallente Federation Day event. But I definitely like the idea. In fact all of the suggestions in this thread are excellent.

I like the idea of having the opposing NPC’s be an ultra-nationalist extremist type group. However instead of being a nationalist, have them be an Ultra-Anarchy Group that’s out to overthrow all political establishments.

This could be a recurring theme in the Agency that happens on different dates in all Factions. This Anarchy Group basically only reveals themselves during each Factions political holiday. They have Rally sites set up all over New Eden to recruit members. The Agency / Concord need Capsuleers to disperse those Rally sites, collect evidence and help restore order in New Eden.

The Agency tasks would be 2 different category’s, amount of Anarchy NPC’s destroyed and amount of Anarchy evidence collected. There would be various sites available, some sites would be static beacons where basic combat is done with Anarchy Group members. Also there’s other sites that can only be found with probes. Those sites contain the Anarchy Databanks which have to be hacked so that Capsuleers can collect valuable Datacores containing incriminating evidence for Concord to use against the Anarchy Group.

Anyway, I wish the OP much success and lot’s of luck.


#1: Chocolate
#2: Green fireworks - something that reminds on a giant green eagle
#3: Stuff that relates to the gallentean entertainment industry

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I think espousing the more hedonistic values of old would be a great thing to include in this event. It’s kinda been put on the back burner over the years. The Gallente used to be absolutely ludicrous with it. Turn this thing into a freak show of Freedom/Liberty! I wanna see body-modders, exotic dancers, all manner of drugs (they’re legal now!), and party time :smiley:

EDIT: I dunno what YOU guys do on New Years Day but I’m usually too comatose from alcohol poisoning to remember it. Federation Day should be a damn party! Green fireworks, alcohol, all kinda fun. Gallente have been way too super serial as of late. Mix it up!


I liked how in Guristas, the primary target dropped Faction modules. We should do that again!

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There needs to be absynthe. Lots of absynthe.

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The lesson learned was that additional involvement is costly for us, given the current state of our tools and systems. We are limited primarily to using Seasonal Events, and additional involvement is on a volunteer basis or via some other required planning that I am not involved with. First, please don’t get your hopes up, especially given how close we are to the event itself. Second, we’re working on improving what our Seasonal Events can track in order to make more interesting challenges.

Yes. Although I think you just made a very practical and realistic suggestion, which can be done in time. No offense to anyone else, it’s just a realistic estimation of what we think we can achieve in time for Gallente Federation Day. If our team can manage our time correctly here, Minmatar Liberation Day will follow the month after. No promises. Expect something similar to Guardian’s Gala for both of these.

As for the Live Event, since that is player-run, that is entirely up to you guys to put together and work out for yourselves. If we can provide some support, that’s great, but I’m not sure if we’ll actually get anything going that can be useful for your Live Event when we’re this close to it. I can probably throw in a couple of trophies for Mister and Miss Federation. I would like to make sure there are rules for the competition and that they are as fair as possible before I commit to anything.

Thanks, everyone!

Side note: Although everyone keeps referring to it as the Agency or Agency Events, it seems that things have changed a bit. The Agency itself is now the system that assists in finding content. The events within the Agency have not really been named (so it is completely understandable that we continue to refer to them as the Agency Events) but internally we’ve been referring to them as Seasonal or Live Events. At one point we were going to call them Episodes but that gave them an incorrect connotation. Additionally Live Events, although traditionally used in MMOs for this type of event is another problematic name since the Live Actor Events have been referred to as Live Events.

In the end, what I’m trying to get at here is that there are too many names, many which overlap and so it’s hard for us to talk about the same things if we don’t use the same terminology. Perhaps this is a thing that will get cleared up in the near future, but for now I will try to stick to the following:

Live Event - Player run events.
Live Actor Events - CCP actor-controlled NPC showing up in-game. Less NPC and more CCPCPC?
Seasonal Event - Events that appear in the Agency, even if they are not necessarily seasonal.
Agency Event - I will avoid using this terminology for the foreseeable future.


Terminology noted! :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks Dragon!

I’m glad we’re fostering discussion. :grinning:

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Wall of text time!

Alrighty. I’m going to discuss some broad design concepts, then hit some mechanical points of interest. Please note that I’m absolutely an amateur here. Additionally, the increasing capability of the event team is such that I won’t touch on certain core concepts as varied reward per region, difficulty levels for different styles of player, and so on. You folks have that nailed already! So, with that said, begin the wall of text. This is primarily focused on a Seasonal Event-style thing to dovetail with Federation Day.

Broad concept: what are we highlighting?

With a Federation Day event (or any equivalent from other factions, like Liberation Day (July 11!), Worker’s Union Day (September 4), etc.), the questions are: what are we highlighting? How does this play with other factions in EVE? How does this play with the world at large? How accessible do we want it to be lore-wise?

In a case where an event focuses on a given faction, we can highlight the faction’s history (foundings, successions, turmoil, triumphs or defeats), internal politics (political parties, figureheads, political friction), or the faction’s antagonists (pirates, hostile empires, separatists, terrorists both internal and external).

The latter of those options leads to the question of how the event plays to non-primary factions. For instance, while Federation Day is clearly a Federal holiday, do we want to play up the contrast between two factions? Do we want to highlight the elements of an antagonist faction that are most hostile to the primary faction? Is there a risk that we’re making the event less about the faction or event in question, however? Or that we’ll do disservice to either the primary or non-primary faction with how we handle the event? Is someone clearly “holding the idiot ball” to facilitate the event?

Of course, this then leads into questions of theme, style, and lore generally, as the event naturally interacts with the world. Does it paint a given party as ‘good’ and the other as strictly ‘bad,’ or does it stay true to the shades of gray and moral ambiguity EVE’s world is known for? Is it excessively grimdark? Does it compromise lore for presentation? Or presentation for lore? Does it play into an existing storyline, or pick up old plot threads and bring them back to life? Does it foreshadow things to come?

But this all boils down to an important question: how engaging is the event and its story? While lore shouldn’t really be compromised for accessibility, at the same time accessibility shouldn’t be compromised for the sake of pleasing a small subset of the community! Finding a balance that engages at the level of neophyte and lore maven, that introduces concepts or draws players deeper into the world of EVE, that makes that world live and breath, is an ideal. How achievable that ideal is, well-- that’s a question!

Mechanical exploration: X-vs-Y events

Players have regularly stated a desire for events where one faction is pitted against another. How to achieve something like this mechanically, with limited development resources, is a question. EVE’s back-end can track completions of given sites, but from a design perspective ‘run X site to support X’ and ‘run Y site to support Y’ might be either murky or frustrating for the uninitiated, who are likely to run both X and Y without regard to story, or else be actively hunting for sites and have to not participate in content X or Y. Likewise, X-or-Y site solutions might result in more deterministic story resolution: based on rewards, ease or speed of completion, availability of site X or Y, faction X or Y might be favored from the outset. Consider, for instance, the effect of more or less desirable LP stores on Faction Warfare.

Alternatively, one can take the basic model behind, say, the T3D race and work to automate it, to make it easier and more intuitive for players and developers to interact with. In this case, developers ensure that all sites drop event item A. Again, each competing faction has a receiving location for event item A. When players deposit items, it tracks number of deposits, name of depositor, and backend automation tracks this over a given day. This would likely need at least 3 typeIDs to work: one for the event item A, and one each for factions X and Y, so that each can have distinct tracking for each faction. Likely, the best way to model these is off of existing cans such as Barbican Repository (36904), though having a ‘remove # items from inventory, increment counter by #’ option might be handy, so that players don’t break their mouse returning arbitrarily large numbers of event items. Trust me; this is necessary.

Please note that from an immersion standpoint, having a receiving can outside each site seems a rough work-around. A better way may be to have a description for item A that itself lists potential receiving locations, so that players are directly served the info, but given the choice. Additionally, for proper shenanigans, the event item should be listed on the market for emergent play to take place.

Mechanical exploration: rewards in X-vs-Y events

Let’s assume for the sake of this discussion that site rewards are already worked out, with the usual mix of attribute boosters, combat drugs, etc. After all, the event should be engaging for those who aren’t interested in the story component. At the same time, there should be something motivating for those who want to participate in the event at a higher level. Rewards may include vanity items, attaboys such as news mentions or faction recognition, unique items or ships, so on. There’s also the question of how rewards are distributed; to top contributors, to participators for a given faction, to all players, etc. Rewards may also be truly unique, or a time-limited unique.

Vanity items are potentially highly desirable rewards, but will require art development time. At minimum, recolors of existing skins or apparel items would be a way to provide something valuable to players without raising balance concerns, and depending on their attractiveness or rarity might be considerably valuable.

Being canonized into the world in some capacity is a tremendous motivator for roleplayers, RP organizations, and is also of interest to those who just like to see their name in lights. This is generally a safe reward to give players, as there’s relatively less developer time involved, nor any balance issues, though repeated featuring of a given player or organization can result in accusations of favoritism. Mentions can range from inclusion in a Scope ticker, a news article, a chronicle, item descriptions or names, landmarks, and so on. Naturally, the work involved in bringing these to fruition varies markedly from one sort to another.

Unique items, especially ships or modules, are going to be a tremendous motivator to players. However, developer time, balance concerns, and the potentially excessive value of these all lend to their being a difficult class of reward to employ in small quantity. In a broad enough distribution, the value decreases as market supply increases.

With an X-vs-Y event, distribution of special rewards becomes a point of interest. Rewarding all players who contribute to a ‘winning’ faction seems logical. At the same time, this just incentivizes the uninterested to give at least one event item to both sides, and then ignore it. Alternatively, group rewards given at certain threshold might also be of value, but requires careful metering of thresholds to both motivate players to participate, but not either bury them under event demands or make thresholds too easy to achieve. As a design theory exploration, this is an area rich for discussion. I’m going to leave this for later, though. :wink:

Mechanical exploration: regional events, a design faux pas made useful?

One of the sacred cows for EVE seasonal events is that they must be accessible in all classes of space, from wormholes to New Caldari. This seems reasonable from a design perspective, but sometimes causes events to lose their texture or impact from a lore perspective. By contrast, an event some years ago provided an event item through either existing Serpentis data and relic sites, or through Ghost Sites. This both allowed players to gather resources in all classes of space, but also provided some additional value to an otherwise less-valuable area of space for the duration of the event. In this way, one achieved the desired objective of making event items universally available, but also gave players an impetus to search in a given area to prioritize the event.

Events in the future might, if they are X-vs-Y focused, provide multiple classes of site, with some site being limited to appropriate regions, but other classes of site universally available. More on this later.

Event concept: Kyonoke Chronic Effects.

So! Time for me to lay out a sketch for an event arc. Please note that I don’t at all expect this to be something CCP’d be keen on! But I think it’d be interesting from a design perspective, engaging for players, and taps a lot of the ideas touched on so far, and ties in with some events I have a personal interest in.

Kick-off Actor Event: Federation Day speeches/fireworks/etc; mostly player-run, CCP graces the event with a live actor or two to give some speeches. To avoid recapitulating on prior events, we don’t necessarily have a Mentas Blaque showing, but we do have some manner of Federal politician espousing the virtues of freedom, democracy, service to the Federation, and security. This can be more or less ominous depending on how CCP wants to swing it! There are plenty of hooks for the dark side of Federation ideals, given Blaque’s prior speeches, the Taught Thoughts chronicle, and so on.

Depending on how evil CCP wants to get, event actor protesters or terrorists might be a thing. The basic angle is that either someone who was ‘cured’ of Kyonoke but is now mildly psychotic, or someone whose family died on the RP4 structure, will make a scene, due to the continued silence by authorities on what actually occurred.

This kicks the Kyonoke Inquest wrap-up back into public view in a big way, resurrecting a chain and leading to in-game events.

Seasonal Event: unknown parties release details on facilities that may be safeguarding Kyonoke Crisis intelligence. This is an X-vs-Y-vs-Z event, with the parties being the FIO, Caldari Navy, and Society of Conscious Thought. An event item, ‘Kyonoke Crisis intelligence log fragment,’ can be gathered from a variety of sites, to be turned in to event cans in Luminaire, New Caldari, or Yulai, for the respective parties. Event wrap-up will vary depending on which organization gets the most fragments, with both FIO and the Caldari Navy wanting to spin the story, while the Society might try to be the most ‘honest’ about what occurred.


Three sites would be required for this. Implications from the site structure would be messy, but also side-step the usual ‘idiot ball’ issue with the opposition force setting themselves up for failure.

Templis Dragonaur Hidden Base: this is a low-sec only site for the racist, nationalist Caldari terrorist group, the Templis Dragonaur. They’re disavowed by the State as terrorists, and having gone to ground after Tibus Heth’s fall have been hiding/surviving on embezzled funds/harboring hatred for the Gallente. They instigated the Kyonoke Crisis, so striking them for intelligence on it would make sense. This would be a straight combat site. The lowsec-only nature of it is a handy cover for the fact that the Templis Dragonaur are both outlaws, and relatively few in number.

FIO Black Site: this is a primarily Gallente Federation space site, high or lowsec, but might be found in small quantities in other empires’ space. FIO is known to be sitting on intelligence relating to the Kyonoke Crisis, and refusing to release it. FIO black sites would probably be disavowed by the Federal government, especially if they’re very sketchy, though it could possibly be played off with loud political debates on safety-vs-freedom, and this gives plenty of opportunities for CCP to highlight various Federal Senators, etc, and for players to get involved in politicking. The site itself would be both a combat and hacking site.

Data Brokerage Relay Site: this is the all-spaces site. Operated by gray market data brokers the Intaki Bank, this would be defended by mercenaries, and has reason to be in all classes of space. The Intaki Bank has its fingers in all sorts of pies, whether as the depositor for note for the Kasaras family weapons researcher who used embezzled Kaalakiota funds to finance the Kyonoke plot, or as a reasonable place for leaked data to be hoovered up for later sale by Intaki data merchants.

Rewards: Uh! This is where I run into things! FIO-skinned exploration suits? FIO skins for Vexor Navy Issue? Caldari Navy-skinned exploration suits? CalNav skins for Caracals Navy Issue? Something shiny for the Society?

Anyway! I think I’ve written enough. Obviously, this is an adventurous set of concepts! I doubt there’d be enough time to execute on this even if it were desirable, but as an approach it might merit consideration in the future. :wink:

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I ran this by Commander A9 and he seemed to like it so I wanted to post it here.

I was thinking the Federation Day thing. How could this be made to be sites where Capsuleers could participate? And how could it be across the New Eden cluster? Especially if the Templis Dragonaurs are used as a bad guy, this really could work but it doesn’t make sense for it happening outside of Federation space except.

What if for this year, YC 120, the Federation just thinks their freedom is so gosh darn amazing that they want to brag about it to everyone!

The Federation sets up limited time exclusive deals to set up Information Centers across New Eden. Gallente space or not. The other Empires are getting paid by the Federation and it’s only temporary so they agree. But the Templis are so dead set against it that they move out in force. Striking at these Federation Day Information Centers.

A Low/Null/WH sec “harder” variant of these sites could be Federation staging points. Areas where there’s more industrial ships for moving about Federation across the cluster. Initial defenders might be lighter but once attacked the Federation moves in a much more dangerous fleet to defend.

Edit: Could also be Templis staging sites as well. So you can choose who to rough up.

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We already have Black Eagle suits


… oh wait

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You know, CCP Dragon, some of our Caldari pilots were hoping that future events could give respect to the Caldari invasion of Luminaire, June 10.

And…we never did find Tibus Heth’s body…

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Alternatively, there’s Yanala Day, 22nd March, or the anniversary of the Malkalen Incident , 15 May,


I will follow up with a wall-of-text proposals and comments when it’s not past bedtime, but for now I have a suggestion on trinkets.
Show us the variety and weirdness of Gallente culture. From instant-spray-wigs (because why not), to sacred items to one of the Federation nations, maybe some we never heard about! Show us weird and fun, and broad!

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