Federation Uprising - Are you FEDUP?

Recruitment still open!

We just finished laying siege to an enemy system, and manage to capture it even under extreme pressure from the enemy. If you want to be part of crazy action and fleets every day, join FEDUP today!

Join Aideron Robotics if you’re new to PVP and/or a returning player! If you are experienced you can join our more high SP group, Mecha Enterprise fleet.

Join Federation Uprising today!

Recruitment is still open!

Recruitment always open! Whether you’re a person looking for a corp, or a corp looking for an alliance!

Find your purpose! Join Federation Uprising today!

FEDUP with bad alliances in EVE? FEDUP with drama? FEDUP with losing your ships constantly with no support from your alliance?

Then what are you waiting for? Join FEDUP today!

Recrutiment still open!

Looking for more players always!

Today is our one year birthday! :birthday:

Mercenary Coalition thinks they can take us on. We don’t think so, join the fight, join Federation Uprising today.

FEDUP had a fun birthday roam last night, we welped a lot of ISK and had a great time doing it.

Recruitment open to corps and to players!

Open to all, join today!

Recruitment always open, join the FEDUP family today!

Recruitment still open!

Our doors are open to all!

Bumper bump!

Our esteemed XO Silver Suspiria is running for CSM. Join the FEDUP family today!

Recruitment still open for corps and players!