Feedback - Lets get real. Nullsec botting is of epic proportions

Not to mention, an overwhelming majority of nullsec alliances (worth their salt) have an intel channel where they share locations of hostiles. If I see a hostile coming towards the system that my alts are farming in, you bet Iā€™m gonna be preparing, paying attention, and then warping off asap. This is the case for almost every single nullsec alliance that I can think of.

The best thing to do if you think someone is a bot is to report them as a bot (just once, donā€™t spam it), and then move on.

Reinstate blackout, remove mindlessly grinding stupidly easy NPC from Sov mechanics.

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bots can dscan relentlessly while the player might decide ā€˜not worthā€™

Imagine if eve had an adaptive AI that would see what you do and retaliate. Or learn off other people who do sites. Could make it more different I suppose.
Tho thatā€™s my opinion. Call it trash if you want

CCP have always been dog trash with botting and act like Naziā€™s when it comes to RMT. RMT which maybe legal in your province in line with your statutory rights that cannot be deminished by any EULA.

All major null entity have a botting backbone. Without a server restart it would actually be unfair to new null players to harshly enforce a ban on bots as they would never catch up.

PA is the shareholder, and CCP follows the direction of its corporate directors. It is not in their best interest to fill EVE to the rafters with bots because it destroyers the in game experience for paying customers in various ways.

With respect to project errors or abandoned projects, CCP may be rationing their resources to focus on the most important areas and this is reasonable. Things that are not important get fixed over timeframes that are economical.

Hey m8.

It is frustration that the in game experience of attacking the bot ratters is that they scurry away like roaches at speeds that no human could match or counter. This is why it needs to be fixed. However please note that the primary argument for eliminating the bots is to stop the damage they do to the eve economy. It is not a sophisticated position for us to take, to want the ratters easier to catch because that at base is griefing.

RE the brutal response to people that profit from bots, I think they already are that way no?

Did you know that you switch to local as soon as you begin the jump? You are in your new local for the entire duration of the jump tunnel and loading sequence. The people on the other side of the gate have quite a head start.

Needlejacking is not gate jumping.

Did you know that you still appear in local before the needlejack jumping animation completes as well?

Botting still rampant. But CCP would rather kill high sec than do something about null ratting.

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