Filtering pins in PI

Hello guys,

I’m building a spreadsheet to help me manage my planets but I can’t find a way to match a specific pin (like the launchpad or storage) to check the contents. I’m trying to do that using this formula: =FILTER(F1#; ISNUMBER(SEARCH(“Launchpad”; F1#)); “No Match”) but it never matches anything. Column F is where I’m extracting the “pins” information ( =EVEONLINE.CHARACTER_PLANET(EVEONLINE.ACTIVE_CHARACTER();

Thanks in advance

I’d try using the pins type field (.type) as what you want to filter against.

fx. for launchpads that are group_id 1030 (Spaceports, includes all launchpad variants)
you could do a

=FILTER(J4#,J4#.type.group_id = 1030)

And just an extra tip: for your .CHARACTER_PLANET() call you can simplify by using the owner_id that comes from the planets results.