Finding it hard to find a corp

I’ll give you a whirl if your a tea drinker like me; though i will state that turning up to the pvp ops from time to time is a must, but its more of an “i scratch your back you scratch mine” and lets myself and the alliance know we actually want to be flying with them…

Regardless of all that, if you are an omega and are currently running missions i would highly recomend caldariand missiles skills; specifically drake and heavy missiles - but also caracals with light missiles are used a lot for gang pvp and all the skills work well enough together.
A well skilled drake can tank level 4’s though its dps is a little low; obviously with some missions you have to pay attention to damage types and triggers.
I use a pvp fitted drake to run level 3 missions in nullsec from time to time.

You could join my corps recruitment channel, you could open a private convo… but by far the best approach to reach me would be by sending an ‘eve mail’; i say this because i do a lot of solo and small gang pvp so i may be right in the middle of a fight at any given moment - i may also be on an alt…

Anyway, goodluck for the future :slight_smile: