Five Trillion Isk Market Hedge Fund


ā€˜ā€˜with twenty trillion isk in collateral and fluid capital reservesā€™ā€™, why do you need investors then? Hmmmm, big think.

I donā€™t need investors, but if you want to invest, I am willing to help you.

I am making so much isk with Aikoā€™s fund that I no longer needed to ā€œworkā€ at Eve - I have enough isk to do anything I want to. If I want to gank in Vexor Navy Issues, I can.

I think Aiko manages this fund as a hobby - to help the rest of us who arenā€™t as savvy as she is.


Aiko pays me so much every month that I can afford to lose officer fit plex tanked gold magnates on my main every day.


Haha Nepsy, Iā€™ll send another billion to help you get back on your feet.

lmao what did i just read?

On occasion, there may be inadvertent delays, especially with small dividend payments. As always, I apologize profusely. As we wish to maintain the highest financial standards, we use these incidents as an opportunity to reward the investor with a bonus compensation package. Generally, we offer a free titan of your choice, although in some instances we have given away keepstars or other such items.


I sent 2 trillion isk in August and never got a confirmation or dividends. Clearly a scam.

It probably never went through. Try sending it again.


Confirmed. Sorry, it takes me a little time to process such large investments. I have sent your dividends just now, and thrown in a C6 wormhole as compensation for the delay.

Dividends for September have been paid.

Thank you for your business!

Still have not received my dividends or my wormhole.

I donā€™t understand what happened. My records show that you received payment and took control of the wormhole fortizars. Perhaps there is some mistake, my apoligies, I have paid you a second time and given you an extra wormhole. Cheers!

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@Aiko_Danuja :slight_smile:

Great !

My service is available to you.

Welcome to the team Wellecctro!

Thank you for the payment. This is a good investment, and I will continue to conduct my business with Aiko Investment Services. She always takes care of me.

Thanks again Aiko, for another month of stellar returns. I donā€™t know how you do it!

November payouts have been sent! A little extra this month! :moneybag:

This is the dumbest crap I ever seeā€¦thereā€™s no possible way to manage a Hedge Fund of this size in this game.

Not even the plex market could support it, and even if that was what you were in, youā€™d earn like 3 million isk a day off 4 Trillion.