[ Fleet Angel’s Security Corporation] [FA.SC] Recruitment

Ever wanted to live that null sec pvp life?

We’re an industrial pvp group based in Pure Blind.

What is a Industrial pvp corp? We want to streamline the experience for our members. Remove the fluff from pvp. As such we operate with a CSA type structure, Command, Support, and Attack elements
The goal always being content.

United Federation of Conifers [.UFC.] is our alliance.

Fleet Angel’s Security Corporation FA.SC for short.

Fleet Angels Corp

What we do:
Small gang pvp.
Asymmetric warfare.
Cov ops.
WH / Null Raids.
Few blues
We find content.

We, as a corp, are looking to expand our operations and have a need for additional veteran pilots who like to fight at a seeming disadvantage and come out on top. We all strive to improve and help each other improve but are not looking for new bros at this time. Recruitment is selective and requires experience and knowledge of eve to keep our operations streamline and efficient.

We are self sufficient and independent.
We have a few doctrines.
We make use of capital alts, cap alts preferred, but not required.
We emphasize tailoring your ship to best compliment the gang.
We are a team, and need team players.

If you think we may be a fit for you, join our Discord and say hello.

Looking for Active U.S Pilots!

U.S bros Over h… you know where im going with that

dank kills

Morning Bumps!


Up we go!

Hello - I am a new player (8m SP). I’ve thrown some money into the game in order to try a couple of different ships and roles. However, I’m having a hard time getting direction on PVP. Is this corp a good place for a newer PVP to start? I am open to skill extracting and fitting the needs of the corp/fleet.


We back!

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