Fleet Boosting Drones

Boosting for mining in an Orca or Porpoise doesn’t feel rewarding regarding profit/cost per hour to boost. I know many corps/alliances compensate their pilots for running boosters but I feel this could be easier offset with a simple feature regarding mining drones.

In order for this to work you must do the following:

Be within your toon’s drone range to deposit ore into the boosting ships ore hold
An option created to have the drones deposit the ore into the mining hold of boosting ship

I don’t know about you guys but for someone boosting me in High-Sec or Low for that matter I would let my drones compensate the booster so they want to boost and not just sit there relying on handouts, essentially.

First post on the forums hi guys. Hope this is something others might like to see and I’d love seeing constructive criticism.


so, what is the point of the drones, when it comes to compensating the booster??

The drones would deposit the ore they collect into the boosters ship ergo compensating the booster.

So instead of the orca/porp having its own drones, you want a miner, to use their own drones to deposit ore into the orca, where your ore that you mine would end up anyway?

The Orac/porp will have it’s own drones. The miner who is mining while being boosted will have an option to have their drones deposit the ore directly into the boosters ship. The ore that you mine as a miner would not automatically end up there anyways as it would be compressed in your ship. At least that’s how my corp has always done it. We don’t profit share when doing mining ops. Your ore is yours to keep if you choose.

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@Quentis_Hita Welcome to the community.

That’s a great idea you got there, I like it and support it. It’s probably one of the greatest idea I’ve read in a long time.

If you do the math, having one capsuleer in a boosting ship like a Porpoise or Orca is already beneficial when your mining fleet has 3 people. With every extra person in fleet those boosts will even better.

It’s very rewarding to have fleet boosts for the entire fleet.

The only problem here seems to be that your hypothetical fleet doesn’t compensate the boosting pilot. This is a social challenge and one of the aspects that makes EVE a much more social game in my experience than most other games.

Many groups give ISK or ore to the booster.

You suggest allowing drones to compensate the booster, but not only does that require significant reworks to drones, it also has a couple of issues:

Fair compensation
My Hulk mines 91.7m3/s ore.
5.7m3/s of it is from T2 mining drones
33.3m3/s of it is from Porpoise boosts

If a Porpoise is boosting my yield by 57%, is it fair that I only give a sixth of that extra ore to the Porpoise?

Right now players have a choice to pay any value they want, half of the extra earnings or even nothing to the Porpoise pilot. While ‘compensation drones’ are still technically a choice your suggestion hard-codes the compensation to the boosting pilot to donate a value determined by your mining drone skill instead of a free choice.

Whenever NPCs appear you stop compensating the boosting ship with your drones when you swap them out for combat drones, even though it continues to boost your ship and you continue to mine ore.

Is that fair?

Imagine two beginning miners. One already has good mining drone skills and no T2 equipment yet. The other has good lasers but no good mining drones.

As a result the mining drone miner will be ‘compensating’ a much bigger portion of their income to the boosting ship than the miner with good laser skills, because compensation scales with mining drone yield rather than total yield. Is that fair?

Personally I think it’s easier to just give the boosting pilot some ISK or ore as compensation, this way players have all the choice how much they want to pay, and the compensation doesn’t depend on skill levels.

Or if you don’t want to deal with compensation, have someone with multiple pilots sit in the Porpoise or Orca. Multiboxing happens often in EVE, especially for miners. If someone has a few mining ships on the asteroid field already they’re already compensated if they have 2 other miners in fleet. Anyone else benefiting from the boosts is just lucky - but feel free to send ISK to the booster nonetheless!

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This is idea is not needed and a wast of Dev time…

As @Gerard_Amatin already said, this is social aspect of the game that you are asking to be fixed mechanically.

If you want a mechanics fix for your desires…learn to multibox a barge or two…with a personal fleet…and then if you want compensation use the social aspect and demand an upfront fee to be in your fleet. issue solved.


Didn’t you just find the (new) greatest idea that you’ve read in a long time? Or was this intended as sarcasm? (I can’t tell)

Hi, Arthur. There are lots of ideas that are amongst the greatest ideas that I have read or heard in my entire life. Many more will join those.

Sarcasm is anger’s ugly cousin. I try to stay away from it.

I didn’t mean anything by it - it’s sometimes hard to tell when someone is being serious vs. sarcastic.

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I understand, it’s always hard to tell all the little nuances of a spoken language in writing.
You’re alright, Arthur. You’re one of the good guys in this forum as far as I’m concerned.

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Why not just drag and drop an ore stack to the booster when you’re done, its the same number of clicks as assigning drones to them.

Or even simpler, right click, give isk.

What are you on about? An orca already massively increases fleet output. Why do you need more? It more than compensates for the ship the pilot could otherwise be in.

There you are again, seeking an argument with OP.
No one starts their post with “What are you on about?” unless they want a fight. Major troll move.

You didn’t understand OP? You didn’t understand why he wants his idea or are you completely clueless?
Can you even read and comprehend what you read??

An orcas boosts already more than compensate for any lost efficiently caused by losing a mining ship in the fleet. Why does it need more compensation?


And 2

It’s written in the OP and yet you sit there wondering about it like you didn’t understand what you read.

But again you already make more than you would with an extra hulk so this

Makes no sense.

And what handouts is the booster relying on?

It makes no sense to you maybe but it makes sense to him.


Now I know what you been doing. You just been reading the thread title and spewing your attacks without even having read the OP.

My guy you’re just on a crusade. I have never been in an alliance that pays the booster differant from the miners. If he is, he needs to leave or stop boosting.

From what i can make out from ops post he just wants to be able to remote deposit ore into an orca/rorq without needing to be within 2.5km

It’s still “hand outs” or in reality just a way to remove the last little bit of logistics from a mining fleet and make it even easier to multibox.