Howdy! Flotsam Recovery Service (ticker: FLOTS) is a corp specializing in contracted salvaging services.
When running missions, don’t worry about slowing down your flow to loot and clean them up - and definitely don’t let that ISK rot! Keep focus and let our salvagers take care of it instead. We’ll scoop it up, haul it away, and pay out 50% of the scrap’s worth. We formally operate throughout all of highsec and accept all sorts of wrecks - from cosmic anomalies to the mighty L4!
How’s it work?
- Create a new access list (Social > Access Lists):
- Click + New Access List and name the access list Flotsam Recovery Service or similar
- Save, then click + Add Members and add Flotsam Recovery Service as a member
- Create a new shared bookmark folder (Open bookmarks (L key by default) > Create Folder > Shared Folder):
- Name the folder something like
<Your Name>
Flotsam or<Your Name>
Salvage - Add the access list you made for Flotsam Recovery Service to View Access, Use Access, and Manage Access
- Name the folder something like
- Post your bookmark folder by dragging it into chat. We do not receive access automatically. Make sure that someone grabbed it with a confirmation message.
- (Or, skip these steps and request access to join our FLOTS Public Salvage folder.)
- Do your mission as usual! Make a bookmark for EACH pocket of the mission, please!
- Abandon all wrecks - very important!
- We do our thing, salvage, loot (if required), haul it home, and give you half the ISK. Easy as that!
Interested? Please join our in-game channel Flotsam Recovery or consider joining our Discord!