Flotsam Recovery Service - Salvaging corp - Salvagers wanted!

Flotsam Recovery Service (ticker: FLOTS) is a corporation offering salvaging services to capsuleers across all of Empire space. To help capsuleers stay focused on running missions, our service steps in to clean up wrecks at a 50/50 rate.

  • Currently most active in USTZ - EUTZ and AUTZ coverage most welcome!
  • No requirements for activity, comms, or Discord
  • Low-risk ISK generation; safe for newer pilots

Functionally speaking, Flotsam Recovery Service is a shared library of resources for otherwise independent salvagers. Please understand that this may mean generating your own content during downtime; patience is ever a virtue. :]


FLOTS salvagers are dispatched on request to shipwrecks. As a salvager, it is your duty to efficiently clean up the wrecks and pay the requesting capsuleer.

We offer:

  • Shared access to a client base of missioners and other wreck-makers
  • Free or cost-reduced starter fits
  • Independent contract work; keep the ISK you make!
  • Weekly Salvage Research fleets
  • Nonstandard buyback rates (85% Dodixie split); set-and-forget contracts supported across all Empire space
  • Enfranchisement and transparency in all dealings: an operations council available to all members

Ideal applicants are:

  • Capsuleers with a good written customer service voice
  • Comfortable with low-volume local advertisement
  • Self-driven and independent; able to make their own fun
  • Familiar with the EVE UI and manipulating bookmarks

New salvagers will receive an orientation by an elder corp member. Do not be afraid to apply! We’re powered by a small, friendly, and helpful core that is happy to help set up new members. Players new and old welcome!


We’d love to say hello! Fire off an application or send an EVE Mail to Marron Talie-Kuo! Also consider joining our Discord server!

Fly safe,
Marron Talie-Kuo

Well, howdy! FLOTS is still searching for new salvagers - particularly for coverage in EUTZ. Anyone interested in salvaging and a small corp experience is welcome to check us out and say hello!

Well, howdy once more! We’re still looking for new salvagers! We’re particularly interested in salvagers serving:

  • EUTZ or odd hours of USTZ
  • The Jita, Amarr, or Hek-Rens areas

Please feel free to reach out!