Forgotten Singularity Password?

Hello, I’m not sure if this is the right place to post Sisi question(s), I apologize if this isn’t the correct place. I decided to come back to Eve after a few months of not playing. Wanted to try some new things out in Singularity, got met with an ‘Invalid Password/Username’. I’ve checked when my Char was created, 16 Jan 2018, and it was before the last mirror. Is there a way to retrieve my password? Thanks, in advance

Your credentials on the test server are the same as Tranquility. Last mirror was late February and the credentials you used to login to TQ at that time should work. If not, you’ll likely need to wait for the next mirror.

Edit: Nevermind, forgotten I changed my password. Tried my old password, it worked. Thanks for the help :slight_smile: Currently waiting for the Verification code.

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