Forum Competition: What's your income? (Let's encourage the noobs)

What’s “swings” in financial terms?

Hey, I’ve just realised … if you would call yourself …
… Complex Math Punk …
… I could call you “CM Punk” and it’d be hilarious! :smiley:

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Trashing a thread with stupid semantics is a synonym for Anderson

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It’s from selling items I find doing pve.

9 days later

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Today my net worth is around a billion ISK higher than it was yesterday. Yesterday my net worth was around a billion higher than the day before. On the day before yesterday, my net worth was around a billion isk higher than on the day before that one. I’ve started with a net worth of 17 billion isk. I’m not sure these numbers are reliable, but that’s what they’re telling me.

Wow that turned into a pissing contest fast.

I so win in this penis contest, I started 16 days ago and I’m already on 100b+

36b, and I didn’t even log in

Seems to be working as the OP intended.

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No, and by a large margin buddy, the best traders do more than this in one weekend.

Oh, noes! You got me or not really I have made more than 100b in 16 days. People gave some of my stuff back from when I quit 6 months ago.
And please point me toward the trader legend that can go from 5000 liquid isk to making 100b in a week. The best traders I know/knew made 7-8 % of their trader isk a day…buddy, I don’t even think that crazy Danish person did more even with his 20k+ market orders

And what does this list shows? I’m tired and cranky.

and it’s gone.

It’s ok I like you anyway! And yes we can be buddy’s

That’s why there’s no evidence. At least I provide mine. The game is not hard.

Who is not evidencing? Shame them

You have not shown any proof, I can make an alpha and get bigger numbers bouncing. It would not be a fair proof but it would look just like yours.

A lot of talk, and no picture. Seems like you’re full of ■■■■.

Also, all that money is from actually playing the game and selling the loot and salvage I get. Unlike station traders who only inflate prices for everyone else.

I had fun playing EVE yesterday.