Eve online as we all know is a cold and dark universe of warring factions , criminals and pirates, mighty empires and brutal gangs.
Wars and conflict can often spill out into other arenas, these forums for one .
In my eve journey i have used these forums as a tool to publicise our many adventures. Our enemies do what they can to close us down and discredit us and as a results a thread can often be locked because it gets out of hand
A simple post about how gankers fail , runs away and gets locked , in the main I support ccps action to lock them but sometimes people need to be ban from posting 1st before a thread gets locked.
Why do these criminal players attack a post you may ask , well simple they don’t want you to know that there is a resistance to what they do , gankers for a long time stood unopposed , using fear to keep people at bay .
The propaganda war on both side will go on , I’ll keep reporting our adventures and know that they will lock it down eventually.
Empire will not be a free ride and a place for bored F1 monkeys.
Join the resistance now and help kill gankers and their associates