πŸ— [FREE SERVICE] EveStructures - An out of game Structure Manager πŸ—

The Notification Manager has arrived!
Now when you’re logged in, you will notice a new tab Notifications. Here you can define a webhook for the Alerts you wish to have sent to you.

Notifications Available:

  • Daily Extraction:
    – This is sent daily at 13:00 Eve time, contains all the extractions coming up in the next 7 days
  • Unanchoring
    – 1 alert is sent when the unanchor is first noticed by the website
    – 1 alert is sent when there is < 24hours until the unanchor is about to finish
  • Structure State Change
    – If the state of your structure changes, you will get notified about it (Went from Shield Vulnerable -> Armor Reinforced)
  • Fuel Notices (no changes from existing functionality)
  • Test Webhooks
    – You can now test your webhooks to make sure they go to the desired channel, simply save a webhook, and then select it from the drop down for the desired character


And of course head over to the dev post to see more about the actual code changes

Coming up next will be the ability to make your Extraction timers public with your own custom url, set preference on whether you auto/manual fracture and be able to push alerts when the fracture is done.