Ganking has gone too far

No; it is not the point of alphas. Alphas were tweaked, to give them access to battleships, specifically to stop too many of them subbing.

Discussions on this topic really are getting repetitive. Your point may not be wrong, but neither is it new. Or likely to change entrenched positions; including those of CCP.


What you don’t seem to “get” is you are going against the fundamental principles that make this game great.

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So half of reddit and Facebook are CODE.

good to know :joy:

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The Truth Is Out There


why would ccp want to stop people from subbing??

and what are these principals as you see them?

and why do you think the lofty ‘scam’ was stopped?

half? id like to know where you get your figres from… perhaps your anal passage?

and really, facebook? reddit?

maybe you should actually try playing the game instead of shitposting on social media everywhere to make it look like your argument is valid.

if your going to attempt to argue that this guy

effects anything but new players you are literally part of a serious problem in online gaming and within eve.

miner, calm down and remember why you’re at the very bottom of the food chain :slight_smile:


your a minor? then you probably shouldnt be playing eve

So mad, I like it :joy:


How many of those ships were yours?

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Show us on the ship model where CODE touched you.

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i live in nullsec, can you not read?

your name really suits you…

would appear salt foambreaker also cant read properly, damn boys did you not go to school??

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A nullseccer that cries about a guy ganking ventures :joy:
This is getting better by the minute

oh look, a nub trying to explain mechanics and player base issues…

my cyno alt has more kills than you btw.



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Oh nooooooo
I’m going to biomass now DX QQ omg


I love how you try to sound elitist, but you’re still :poop: at this game :joy::joy::joy::joy:

ooo must have touched a nerve, dont worry there are plenty of people that cant pvp just like you, maybe you could start a kickstarter campaign for lessons?

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Come 1v1 me then if you’re so good XD

im in 0ltq in syndicate, come up…

of thats right, you dont leave highsec do you… dw t some point you might acually feel confident enough to do some real pvp.

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