Take care, most cults stories tend to end very badly…
Unlike cults however, we have spaceships that go boom. And all is still perfectly fine.
that reads sooooo right.
Your belief is wrong and you should be ashamed of yourself for putting it before facts. CONCORD has been designed to punish, not prevent. There would be no suicide ganking if CONCORD prevented, which underlines how wrong you are.
If ou don’t believe me, ask a GM.
People putting beliefs before facts also believe the earth is flat, vaxxines cause autism and that globulines are more than a (admittedly successfull) placebo. They believe the Nazis have an underground base in the antarktis leading downwards to hollow earth, they believe in an almighty tyrant forbidding all sentient creatures in the universe to masturbate and they constantly cry for protection and oppression of free speech.
Don’t be like those guys, they’re a cancer for humanity.
Verry soon they will change narrative
It’s been #soon for about fifteen years now, and all we saw was them increase CONCORD so they can’t be tanked in order to prevent the complete lockdown of a system (something that by design would only be allowed in sov-null).
The only way there’d be another change to CONCORD is if an entity attempted this again for any profound period of time (meaning they’re willing to lose up to a few trillion isk for it to happen).
an alternate route instead of having to go through uedama maybe but tbh, just dont ap trough there; there are few places people suicide gank freighters - it is not hard to avoid it in general.
I have said this many many times and i will not negate until these changes are made to eve), it needs to be removed from high sec. this form of game play is abusive to everyone involved, the ganker, as well as the ganked.
ccp needs to grow up in their design philisophy and stop.
This forced (non-consensual) needs to go from high sec.
Lucky for you there are already several options to avoid non-consensual combat in HighSec, such as:
- Stay Docked
- Move to LowSec
- Move to NullSec
- Move to WH Space
The “post on the forum like a small female dog” strategy remains popular with players that want to avoid PvP, but has no actual ingame effect.
Or we can do the other option, and remove it.
You consent to PvP when you play EVE. If you don’t consent, then uninstall!
Lucky for you there are already several options to avoid CONCORD intervention in non-consensual combat in HighSec, such as:
- Move to LowSec
- Move to NullSec
- Move to WH Space
The “post on the forum like a small female dog” strategy remains popular with players that want to avoid real PvP, but has no actual ingame effect.
PS Was amusing…, at least to me…
OOOh another one possible:
You consent to CONCORD intervention when you play EVE with PvP in hisec. If you don’t consent, then uninstall!
Are you sure it’s CCP that needs to grow up? I have a child, so I’m quite familiar with this sound: “Waaah”. And it’s not definitely not CCP making that noise here…
I think this
“die and die more, or leave eve” mentality is hilarious.
If ccp had an intelligent ceo, they’d nerf this crap so fast, its not funny.
Hisec is not, was never intended to be, and in all likelihood never will be the combat PvP free utopia that you so desire.
One of the cornerstones of Eve is that your day can be ruined, anywhere, anytime and for any, or no reason. In hisec there is a higher cost of doing so, gankers are willing to pay that cost if the returns are a profit; a haulers job is to make it unprofitable.
Okay, so what follows is entirely my personal opinion.
It’s not a case of not “catering to the tearfilled entitled”, it’s a case of us staying true to the core of what EVE was built on.
Some of the people complaining in this thread have valid points about the fact that they don’t feel safe. Simple fact of the matter is, that you’re not suppose to feel safe in New Eden.
Eve is not a game for the faint hearted. It’s a game that will chew you up and spit you out in the blink of an eye if you even think about letting your guard down or becoming complacent.
While every other MMO starts off with an intro that tells you you’re going to be the savior of the realm, holds your hand, protects you, nurtures your development and ultimately guides you to your destiny as a hero along with several other million players who’ve had the exact same experience, EVE assaults you from the second you begin to play after you create a character, spitting you out into a universe that under the surface, is so complex that it’s enough to make your head explode.
The entire design is based around being harsh, vicious, relentless, hostile and cold. It’s about action and reaction, and the story that unfolds as you experience these two things.
True, we’re working hard to lower the bar of entry so that more players can enjoy EVE and can get into the game. Our NPE (New Player Experience) is challenging, and we’re trying to improve it to better prepare rookies for what lies out there, but when you start to play eve, you’ll always start out as the little fish in the big pond.
The only way to grow is to voraciously consume what’s around you, and its your choice whether that happens to be New Eden’s abundant natural resources, or the other people who’re also fighting their way to the top.
EVE is a playing experience like no other, where every action or reaction resonates through a single universe and is felt by players from all corners of the word. There are no shards here, no mirror universes, no instances and very few rules. If you stumble across something valuable, then chances are someone else already knows where you are, or is working their way toward you and you better be prepared to fight for what you’ve discovered.
EVE will test you from the outset, from the very second you undock and glimpse the stars, and will take pleasure from sorting those who can survive from those who’d rather curl up and perish.
EVE will let you fight until you collapse, then let you struggle to your feet, exhausted from the effort. Then when you can see the light at the end of the tunnel it’ll kick you flat on your ass in the mud again and ask you why you deserve to be standing. It’ll test you against every other individual playing at some point or another, and it’ll ask for answers.
Give it an answer and maybe it’ll let you up again, long enough to gather your thoughts. After a few more steps you’re on the ground again and it’s asking more questions.
EVE is designed to be harsh, it’s designed to be challenging, and it’s designed to be so deep and complex that it should fascinate and terrify you at the same time.
Corporation, Alliances and coalitions of tens of thousands have risen and fallen on these basic principles, and every one of those thousands of people has their own unique story to tell about how it affected them and what they experienced.
That’s the beauty of EVE. Action and reaction. Emergence.
Welcome to the most frightening virtual playground you’ll ever experience.
HTFU or leave isn’t just a forum meme, having to learn how not to explode (so often) and survive is very much part of what makes Eve Eve.
Eve is one of those games where the journey is the game, there is no endgame provided for you.
Just because you cant learn from your mistakes and just continuously die, doesnt mean that people cannot learn from their mistakes.
Our mentality is “Die and learn from your mistakes and not die, or leave eve”. No one here has a “Die and die more and never learn anything because im stoopid” mentality but you.
Yes, please, by all means keep doing that. We’re all very interested in knowing what you have to say about this, or about any other issue for that matter.
I’m also gonna try to find a game I neither like nor understand, and show everybody how smart and mature I am by spending my time whining non-stop about it…
That personal opinon of that person, but only CCP company opinion count
It is burden from the past and now CCP trying to get rid from it as cheap as possible
He is a hotel california guest. He will never leave.