Yes, everybody is in agreement. Even Dracvlad admitted mining isn’t fun, and his only enjoyment comes from the hope that someone might gank him, allowing him to try out his fantasy of being ‘hard’. Unfortunately, nobody is bored enough to gank Dracvlad, so clearly ganking isn’t going far enough. I think CCP should pay me 50 million isk for every war dec. That would be a good start and motivate me to generate more content for the poor miners.
CCP pay for a war that spans all highsec systems? I like the sound of this.
um who?
Who who?
Code or any entity willing to war with all structure-holding entities in highsec.
Test alliance?
CCP should offer free omega time to anybody willing to shoot other people in high sec.
I started to read this thread then stopped when I realized how long it was.
I’m not a huge fan of ganking myself. But I have to disagree that noobs are ever really even specifically targeted.
Usually it’s done for a profit. And usually it’s easily avoidable if you try to avoid it.
Concord was designed to prevent illegal combat. Ganking is just a loophole left unfixed to preserve the sandbox.
While I don’t hate on gankers for using a mechanic that’s available, I don’t really think it should be as easy as it is.
I would like to see ganking removed at some point. But before that happens we need to make sure every one is targetable still in some fashion. War decs preferably.
Both of these statements seem wrong to me. Do you have anything to support these claims?
Because according to CCP’s own Help page about Concord:
CONCORD is one of several policing forces in High Security Space (0.5 to 1.0 security status), tasked with eliminating the ships of players that have illegally attacked other players.
Concord’s job is not to prevent illegal combat. Concord’s job is to destroy the ship of the person who illegally attacks other players.
And what do you mean it’s a “loophole”? Would you mind explaining this a bit more?
You are 100% right.
I have nothing to support my claims, but it is what I believe. That support article was recently updated… Years after the design of Concord.
I think Concord was designed to prevent illegal combat and CCP has just, correctly, left it unmodified to preserve the sandbox. Even though Concord has failed to do what it originally was intended to do.
Thanks for your input.
That seemed a little sarcastic.
Gankers last stand
Now they can only dream on
Let me put my own words in my own mouth rather than have you mis-represent them.
Mining is not fun to me and is a means to an end. Other may find it fun to have their mining lasers caressing the rocks.
In terms of the threat of ganking and my feeling of being hard, first of all it is you who claims to own all of hisec and yet you are unable to exert control on your stated position by going after someone that CODE defines incorrectly as a leader of AG. My pointing out that your inability to gank someone who knows what they are doing is simply that you fail at what you define as your reason to be.
Yes, I know.
No, James 315 owns high sec. I am merely a humble servant of the High King.
Does CODE say that it owns hisec, yes or no? It is not difficult to understand what ‘you’ means in the context of how I said it.
Also I would point out that it looks like Australian Excellence is realising that he has OCD.
You have indeed the mentality of a servant
No, the CODE. doesn’t own anything. When we apply, after we clear the API, we are required to show full faith and turn over all assets to James 315. He has sole ownership of the corporation.
Sounds like a proper cult. Well each to their own I guess.
Please don’t disparage us, we are a congregational fellowship.