Idk man when someone asks if I had fun doing something I usually don’t just say yes and neither does anyone I know. They explain why and what was fun about it. For example when I welp a (many) Hyperion(s) and someone asks I’ll say yeah these things are so cheap to lose and you always get to pvp a bunch of people it’s a rush and you almost always get some kills. I think eviscerating someone’s response to the question and finding some strange reason to call it a justification is a more awkward thing to do. This is especially true when the question was meant as a jab to begin with.
Okay… but notice how that’s not what Drac did.
Yeah but the question was meant as a jab to begin with.
Yeah, okay. Dracvlad is fun to ridicule. And…?
He’s not the one that looks ridiculous when exchanges like that happen.
Only miners would claim that asking if they had fun is some kind of “jab”. Once again, indirectly acknowledging that no, its not fun.
Actually that is what I did, again you are trying so hard.
You make yourself look incredibly stupid when you do it. I called you out as fat entitled and lazy in game and all you can do is act as if you won something on the forums.
I detailed what I found fun about it, you then got all butthurt. Nothing much else to say…
Being that dense.
This is what a psychologist would describe as ‘cognitive dissonance’ - persisting in the fallacious notion that mining is fun, even after admitting that it is not fun. Like most miners, Dracvlad has an obsessive ‘need’ to mine, attempting to convince himself and others that this is fun, when he knows deep down that it’s not fun at all.
The subject feels trapped, forced to mine against his own will, and yet he is both slave and master of the obsession. Therefore, even as he cries out for help and admits the truth, daring someone to come and stop him, he simultaneously insists that this is what he actually wants to be doing. His mind recoils at the idea that he has been ‘playing’ a game that isn’t even fun. Consequently, when others try to help him, the miner lashes out in anger and frustration.
Except you are not a psychologist, and any psychologist worth their salt would not diagnose someone without a number of one on one assessments. You are talking pure rubbish.
Projecting is an art form.
Agents of the New Order are certainly qualified to diagnose common mining afflictions.
Are you calling me common?
I can use also a lot of alts to flag all your posts, but i think that will be an abuse, right?
it seems to be a common theme on the forums at the moment; insult or talk b###s, flag everyone else, or at least those that reciprocate.
I think he has a higher IQ twice than you. The fact that you are completely in his power on the forum proves that.
Nah, it’s a game.
I’ve played this game with many dozens.
So far I’ve always won.
So we’re all in agreement that ganking hasn’t gone far enough, and should enact Amarr-style Reclaiming efforts in the name of Emperor James315 and the New Order of Highsec?
In all honesty we should get wars on every structure-owning corp in highsec. Customs offices, fortizars, control towers, set them all to burn.