You’re so lost in this. This isn’t real. You’re blindly treating as like we’re thinking like you, but we don’t. This is not real, Dracvlad. We don’t truly give any single ■■■■, and even if some people meta-roleplay the seriousness into our faces, we’re aware that it’s a game!
You, on the other hand, only seem to know that it’s a game. You’re so super identifying with the ■■■■■■■■ you’re doing, you’re sucking all the fun out of it. For everyone around! Do you have any ■■■■■■■ clue why you’re unable to just answer a simple “were you having fun?” question with an appropriate yes, or no?
Do you?
A simple question with a simple answer and you turn it into a ■■■■■■■ drama!
You don’t have fun! You’re super tense! You’re living this game, we’re merely playing it! Everyone around will just keep making fun of you and keep abusing you, without you even ■■■■■■■ realizing, as long as you don’t remove that HUUUGE ■■■■■■■ broomstick from your candy ass and loosen up!
Loosen the ■■■■ up!
You’re no fun!
*exhales garlic smell all over this thread*
Man, this guy is weak. He keeps swallowing it really fast instead of letting the intense burning fill his skull with eternal, everlasting pain from hell. Cheater. -.-
You seriously think that I am not treating this as a game. You are projecting your feelings on me.
Well mining is not fun, and Eve is often not fun, the only way I can develop the fun is to set myself objectives and milestones. It was a fun reply for me to joke about that.
No mining is not fun, happy there.
I am so loose it is crazy. Why do you chaps think I am upset or tense, is that because you are. Galaxy Pig for example is so eager to throw one line insults around he seems super tense about it.
Well actually that is the objective in one sense, I play Eve to be super hard to blow up and if they do then it will be effort, I define my success in the game by being hard. And Eve is a competitive game. I just have a different perspective to you, I have never told you that what you do is not fun, I might have said I would not find blowing up some helpless noob in some rookie ships fun. It just does not rock my boat. But people find fun in what rocks their boat.
And there you go yet again proving that this is more than a game to you…, insult the opposing player, was that hitting it out of the park? And now that you are getting into the silly stuff I will leave you to it, well I will try to…
PS 7h53m on the part, really slow isn’t it, then 4d6h on the Athanor, sigh…
Dracvlad, James just wants to help you. However, first you’ve got to admit that you have a problem. You are obsessively mining in order to complete an irrational set of objectives. That’s classic OCD behavior, which agents observe on a regular basis. I know you feel that this is something you truly want to do, but sometimes the best thing is to stop. That’s why if I see you, I’ll certainly shoot you, but there are many miners who need salvation.
I will leave you with this. I have searched the records of the New Order, and found that one moment during which you experienced peak fun. The highlight of your entire EVE career. I truly hope this will give you some inspiration, and you can find your way out of this rut you have dug for yourself.
Of all the killmails, you choose to share those? I got tired of scrolling down the list of pilots to find you. My phone is only at 90% battery.
Here is what players dedicated to the health of the game spend their pvp time doing. Killing 9 illegal alpha bot battleships.
So what we blow up miners and kill freighters? The “anti-pvp CCP please intervene crowd” is lucky the New Order allows capitals such as freighters in Highsec at all. Whether or not you agree that you’re a member of a culture that spawns bots, use the game mechanics to make your dreams happen and stop complaining about the rules.
The credit goes to James 315 for leading the way to a better Highsec and to the many amazing Agents making eve a better game daily by killing both the bots that break game rules and the botlike that petition their change. May Highsec be rebuilt by the light of burning mining ships!
Sounds like you don’t even like Eve. Personally, I love it, and I have fun everytime I play. THAT is how you win… by enjoying the game. It’s even better that as Agents we make an overwhelmingly positive impact through our actions.
I will say quite frankly we are not frustrated. CODE. is a place where we have a lot of fun killing both bots and players. We are not angry people are mining. We are happy about the process of ceasing their crimes.