I think GMs should HTFU. No reimbursements ever. Earthquake, flood, death, war, these are only few pixels and at the end these few pixels mean nothing really. DESTROY ALL SPACESHIPS!
I think a list of names of reimbursed capsuleers, the reason why the would like a reimbursement and the items reimbursed should be made public! At least we can then pwn them if we feel it wasn’t really acceptable.
This. It can even be added to the TOS/EULA. CCP is not responsible for ingame items and as such, no reimbursements will be distributed.
“reimbursements are awarded on a whim.”
Also known as reviewing requests on a case-by-case basis and using administrative discretion in how to adapt general written guidelines to the specific conditions of the case at hand. Basically the same way every legal and due process system in the world works. Anyone upset over this is simply looking (hard) for reasons to be upset. How dare they use judgment!
Why you guys mad that someone who dcd doing some pve got reimbursed? Just petition if it happens to you it’s not like they died to players… I’m not aware of any of my buddies or me being reimbursed from pvp even if it was a disconnect.
GM’s will not reimburse a ship lost from legit PVP. They MAY be inclined to reimburse one lost to NPCs if you ask nicely, but if it’s legit PVP, the answer will always be ‘no’. This includes getting ganked.
Naw I’ve seen people get ships lost to pvp (pvd really) back before, always only the destroyed modules and hull which is standard. But in the cases where these people have gotten it back it was due to repeated disconnects where their ships sat in space for an extended period of time rather than disappearing despite having no timers.
I think we could all agree that’s not fair to just give a blanket “No” to having lost their ship despite not even being connected for 5 or more minutes. There are always exceptions to the rules, as their should be.
And if 80% really is the number, you have to question how many people are actually filing bogus reimbursement tickets and being declined. I’d wager a guess it’s close to 20%, or less, of their total tickets they handle on the matter. Not many people are even going to think to put in a ticket, let alone try to cheat the system at every moment, especially when the times they’ll actually help is limited and getting caught abusing the system can land you with a ban. Not exactly worth it for a few million isk.
I did specify, ‘legit PVP’. If it’s not a legit kill, if there are extenuating circumstances, the loss should be replaced.
Ya, I just say that because the person who kill the last one I saw was convinced he was there because his ship and hardeners were going despite never targeting or shooting back. But I do agree with you, I can’t actually think of any legit pvp kill that’s been refunded to my knowledge. Nobody I know has even tried, we just take the loss and move on as I’d expect most people do. Plenty of people have claimed it, but I’ve seen no proof ever.
If 80% of reimbursement requests are legit due to bugs, server crash, exploitation/abuse etc, there is no problem.
Next CCP can claim they are not to be held responsible for network issues, bugs and anything on their end. The logs show nothing and HTFU.
They do it all the time, I’ve had ships replaced on a whim from PVP.
A big issue is that it is in the GM departments interest to have high ticket turn over as CCP is a company on the brink. If GM’s actually started following a procedure & had to publish reimbursements then people would no longer be getting all these on a whim reimbursements. As such they’d stop putting in tickets, we’d have a lot less tickets and in practise need a lot less GM’s. Removing the majority of decision making & instead using fixed procedures would also remove a huge time sink & speed up ticket process speed by several magnitudes.
Because of this brutal and hard fact I will submit an email to internal affairs just out lining our player concerns and why this issue really needs to be looked at by a department separate from the GM’s.
It really does just sound like a job for the boys department as of current.
Yeah, yeah, sure…
Thats… bad…
Even worse if its been preferential…
How about you show us proofs for the ships that were “replaced on a whim from pvp”?
I don’t believe you, and you’ve given me no reason to.
If its happening, has to stop.
How you came up with this is honestly amazing.
If its true, its very bad.