Golden ammo

One time per account and booster cannot be sold.

It doesn’t bother me much that it’s included in the game pack. Basically it’s an extra like the Cerebral Accel, SP’s, etc.

Personally I think the pack should have Omega Game time included.

What I definitely don’t like is CCP constantly making items ‘Soulbound’, thus bypassing the Player-run Market…


‘One time per account’ means very little when they’re known to regularly sell new packs containing new booster opportunities.

See: SP packs.


For now, that’s how they get a foot in the door. In a while it will be a little bit more and then some more still. Until will all acclimatised and desensitised to it.


Don’t they realize this only means LESS money in the long run? how dumb are they?!

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In a world where no game company thinks past the next quarterly report there is no long run.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


I’m done too. 3 accounts canceled. I play this game for the PvP, where there’s already lot of gambling involved - but having to wonder “will this guy sliding into me have a cash booster?” is just sh*tty gameplay.


As I said to the guy (gal?) on other thread, don’t forget option of PLEX-for good on way out.


That was sarcasm. I am one of the very few peoples who is claiming that EVE is pay2win on these forums. I simply cited the arguments that were used last time this was discussed when CCP started selling ships (interbus shuttle). And 99ˇ% of forum folks still claimed back then that EVE is not pay2win.

I even used an argument - okay lets say that CCP will sell you new ship with more resists and slots, basically an equivalent of “golden ammo” we know from other pay2win games. Would that be a pay2win in your eyes? Of course it wouldn’t.

Fact is that CCP is selling more pay2win stuff long term. It started with direct skill points, then ships and in both cases players didn’t care, they let to be ■■■■ upon by CCP and they were not cancelling their subscriptions en masse either. They even started defending CCP that it is needed otherwise they shut this game down etc. etc.

Therefore this was just matter of time. And you might like it, you can even quit if you are offended by it that much (I doubt), but 99% players will do what they did before. In their eyes EVE is not pay2win no matter what. Because they hate pay2win game and they wouldn’t play such game, but they are playing EVE so they need to rationalize it somehow :stuck_out_tongue:


Giving boosters that affect performance in game is pay 2 win no matter how you slice it.

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Was waiting for this comment. CCP included a small amount of SP in a pack and now we can buy millions directly. CCP included a frigate in a pack, then a mining barge, and only relented when there were massive protests. And to be clear: you can still get ships from packs, they just come from the market.

This is all to show that this is the Marketing Team’s MO. They slip a small test into a pack and if we all don’t freak out they go full monetization.

So now is the time to freak out.


Ah don’t worry. CCP support will gladly recover your biomassed toons if you paid them a lot of cash over the years (which I suspect that you did). (Not so sure about players who only PLEXed their account.)

Probably true, but still, I never saw the point of biomassing, unless it’s to free up a character slot.

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Everyone involved in this decision at CCP, and at their parent company, should be ashamed of themselves. They’ve known for over a decade how badly their customers would react to gold ammo, and they go and do it anyways. Eve has no future at all as a pay to win product.

I’m vehemently opposed to P2W games. Currently the new Pack offers a Booster WISDOM OF GHEINOK BOOSTER that gives +4% Energy Turret Damage, +7% Armor Repair, and +3% Max Velocity. At its very core this is 100% P2W and in my opinion should never be an option with purchases. I’m all for it being rewards you get in game but this 100% changes that.

Please move this from the pack and replace with something else, or make it a one time gift to all accounts on TQ. If you continue down this path and create a P2W game you’re essentially going to ruin Eve Online and your credibility for future games.


Limited time, free for everyone or obtained by event I could live with to celebrate Amarrian ships.
As is, this booster is horrible and really quite demoralising.
It’s also ironic that it’s called “Wisdom” while being such a patently unwise thing to introduce.


I’m vehemently opposed to people so self important that they open a new thread instead of posting in one of the three already open on the same topic.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Every single person should be making a new thread in every forum until this garbage is removed.


I’d give more of a ■■■■ about your opinion if your first name was Drosophila.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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I just received an E-Mail from CCP Games, or should I say Pearl Abyss and learned about the fancy new Pay2Win „WISDOM OF GHEINOK BOOSTER“…

I only wanted to give my :fu: to everyone whoever is responsible for this.

You have no respect for your playerbase! Shame on you!
Shame on you all!!