Graphics Update?

I noticed yesterday that there was some sort of update to the graphics on SiSi in the last week. Currently it is causing massive glitches for me and I just wanted to ask what has changed and when this is in the pipe for TQ?

Now, full disclosure, I am running the Linux client and, unlike most of that crowd, am squarely in camp “not broken, don’t fix”, so I haven’t bothered swapping to Vulkan/Proton since the client is running perfectly fine for me the way it is and the DX11 lighting is grimdark and ugly, imho. I will however take some time and fix this if I absolutely have to, so I guess the main question is: do I?

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I noticed there is a new fancy animation when jumping to another system, so probably yes, there have been changes.

Yes, there was an update, hence me asking if this is planned obsolescence of older compatibility, which is certainly happening at some point, and if so when this will hit TQ, or if this is just an unfinished thing on SiSi.

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