What’s up incursion runners! The mafia is back at it again investigating the inner workings of the incursion community. PUT ON YOUR TIN FOIL HATS AND PREPARE FOR ME TO BLOW YOUR MINDS
When this news broke like many of you I was shocked ngl! We always used tag J at WTM and now it’s Z!? After a few minutes of raging I finally saw who posted this announcement!
Zilvra starts with a Z!! THIS IS CLEAR EVIDENCE SHE IS ASSUMING POWER AT WTM! Throw out EVERYTHING we had in the past!
Listen Listen… There is a network going on here and it is huge!
Zilvra is conducting her own power coup at WTM! THROWING OUT The Makia mafia and the Lingfings at TLA and ohhh boy they are ANGRY!!
“How do you know this Tony!?” - Random Amico agent.
Good question! I actually was eating at Ewok’s mansion that happened to be right next to the WTM HQ and I saw one of Song Lingfings Yakuza henchmen get
We were both stunned and for the sake of eating my awesome pizza laced with Morphite I kept quiet… UNTIL NOW!
The event looked like this
This further cements the sheer chaos going on at WTM still to this day.
My elite mafia news sources have confirmed this is what Zilvra has become since taking over WTM
Perhaps the title “Supreme Admiral General Commander Zilvra” is a more fitting title
MABYE THAT’S WHY @Thehoon @Nyx_Viliana1 and @XWing_Pilot_Red5 stopped commenting!?
With the funding of James Baboli EXPOSED in my last article WTM CC UP IN CHAOS! LEAKED NEWS! ISK FUNDER FOUND! - Fiction Portal / Player Fiction - EVE Online Forums
Along with the initial revelations that started in my main article
WTM HOSTILE TAKEOVER! - Fiction Portal / Player Fiction - EVE Online Forums
The Amico mafia has thoroughly exposed the links between all these foreign powers. Our elite journalists and agents are digging for even more evidence regarding TLA’s influence in all of this! Stay tuned for more articles on organic abyssal module growth and for more bombshell news!
Per my lawyer: All content represented here is 100% satire. This article is 100% speculation and should not be taken seriously. Connections between TLA and WTM are all speculative. All content belongs to respective owners. I have gained nothing with the creation of this thread.
ISD Regulatory Statement: This has been done in my role-playing capacity as Anthnoy Fat Tony Amico regarding recent events in “WTM” and incursion community active in EVE Online. “TLA” is also referenced as a member of the incursion community.
Plz don’t hurt me Supreme Admiral General Commander Zilvra