Error message when logging in; “Connection Error -Handshake Failed - Server Failure.” This seems to only happen when logging into the the test server. I have seen people have had this issue in the past and it was thought to be a problem with a microsoft patch. This isn’t the case for me as I have a new install of windows 10 with update packages only as old as 7/5/2018. I have tried:
Format and reinstall windows. (obviously reinstall of game and set up of all accounts.
Re-verified all accounts with email code.
Connection with premium VPN. (no packet loss or gitter observed)
Burnt offering to our lord and savior BOB.
Issue seems to be completely random and server side. If I keep spamming the connect button I can get it to connect after 100 or so tries (Stabs self with pencil). Please CCP if you can, keep a little bit closer eye on the test server.
I remember in the last month or so a new security update with the launcher was implemented. Something to do with a verification cookie or certificate but I can’t find the dev blog on it. My loglite’s only error is:
Failed to fetch motd <urlopen error [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed>