Has anyone else here had completely toxic experiences with /r/eve? BFR is fake there

Exactly the sort of response I expected. :clap:


You’re welcome.

Well as i said, it’s like a nazi bar - funny how my comment got reported to proove the point.
You speak up - you get shut down.


Now you had a few minutes to think it over. Are you ready to retrack your retarded statement?

I bet typing stuff like that gives you a boner.

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A confused and ironic one, I’d say.

Yes, autism is real. Yes, some people can have a form of it and still communicate effectively. Part of your issue is because your communications don’t come across as from someone that meets their expectation of autism.

No, you shouldn’t go off on an SJW rant claiming organized discrimination and hate speech support because some randos on the Internet didn’t treat your claims with the respect you felt they should.

If you’re that sensitive, neither EVE nor 98% of the internet are going to be welcoming places for you. Demanding other people adjust their behaviour to cope with your standards just isn’t going to fly. Learn a better way to deal with it, or live with the frustration.


You’ve just described every single person that has ever posted in this forum. Including yourself.

Few more reasons why u wouldnt want to have reddit account.

These aren’t “randos”, they’re the moderators of the subreddit, hence the topic of discussion

OP’s claims aren’t really saying CCP explicitly supports it - but as I said, by favouring the subreddit so much, without being able to enforce a code of conduct themselves, implicitly legitimizes the behaviour and values that the moderators run their subreddit on; not as an official CCP stance, but just as something you have to live with to participate in the community that CCP favours.

But in my opinion, that entire argument is fairly pedantic and irrelevant.

This comment, and this thread in general should clearly highlight the actual issue here: being a shitty person, whether a regular user or a moderator, is simply accepted, and the response is “This is the internet. Ignore it.”

The only people who ignore their problems are children and cowards.

We don’t have to just accept this crap in the community, we don’t have to “just ignore” these people - these people should be called out and not accepted in the community.

inb4 some ■■■■■■■■ about us wanting to silence people who disagree with us. Boo hoo. Grow up. This isn’t a slight disagreement which people should actually just live with (Coke or Pepsi?), it’s a toxic mentality that should be confronted and looked down on in the communities we care about.

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I actually do have a reddit account.

I feel for you, friend. Starting to use the internet can indeed be rough.

Funny, because I actually used to have that attitude of “Just ignore them.”

Then I grew up.

Evidence suggests otherwise, slick.


One thing reddit mods have to be aware of, power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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Apparently you haven’t retracted your retardiness. From now on you are hold accountable for all shitposts made on these forums. Not because you wrote said posts but by posting here you legitimize the beliefs and values of all shitposters here.


And now you rant against random faceless people on the internet… You want to educate them? Do you have kids?

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Not that I’m a fan of tolerating rude or inconsiderate behaviour, but I do choose my battles where I can have an impact.

You’re welcome to go and try to police the Internet. Or start a social movement to improve manners and consideration for others while posting anonymously.

Me, I go with the Serenity prayer approach (without the religious overtones). Saves wear and tear all 'round.


First, remove anonymity. For everyone.

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Usually it’s just live with the frustration.

To the op grab a beer and just be resigned to the fact that most people won’t really understand you. I also understand why you don’t like voice software, I don’t use it either for two reasons, one small talk bores me ( like what someone had for breakfast) and 2 sometimes people take things the wrong way leading to potential conflict.

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