Has anyone had this experience (features DRIFTERS)?

Not sure if anyone else has experienced this -

I went to a Edencom Reiforced system (whatever its called) on an alt. Guess everything was done. Then, a player commented in local that the real Invasion was at a Jove Observatory. I warped to the observatory - and got obliterated by a Drifter BS and cruiser. They hit extremely hard - like unreal DPS. Was totally unexpected. Just a heads up -seems the drifters are protecting their Observatories.


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That’s old behaviour. They always have responded aggressively to someone on grid with a JO. they don’t always sit on grid with them but will regularly visit them.

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Ah - hadn’t seen that. Thanks for the feedback.


If there was a cruiser there then someone had killed the Lancers. Those are pretty aggro, doomsday is about 40k, the BS does 750k or so omni-damage.

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