The cargo deposit was intended to solve this very problem.
Reddit, however, tells me that this solution also added the problem that people could store loot in any random structure and use asset safety to ferry it out without exposing themselves to the risk of hauling it out from where they got it, and excused them from having to abide by the limits of their cargo hold.
I think the decision to disable the cargo deposit under certain circumstances was probably deliberate, but either way it’s probably low priority since people are going to complain whether the feature works or does not work.
(The rest of this post is not targeted at Xeux, given that I think they know this stuff already.)
The more complicated a system, the more likely some people will find a way to explo-. Ahem I mean the more likely some people will find a way to selfishly take advantage of loopholes in that system to benefit themselves at the expense of someone else who doesn’t understand all those rules and the risks they’re taking.
Eve is a scammy place. Only a small list of published exploits can result in retribution by out of game means, and CCP did put some big mean nasty red text on the contract page to warn a hauler that there might be a problem. The warning was ignored and the hauler got screwed, but that’s what happens if you ignore warnings or carelessly click around your windows with significant sums of your isk at stake.