Help: Ships for l2-4

I’ve been playing for a few days and I’ve lost enough ships (cheap, but it’s still money) trying to see the capabilities, the level 2 missions I could complete with some problems, but I would like to know which ships are the best to complete the level missions 2 without problems and the level 3 in a decent way.

And I have seen many fit that most are all for rocket launchers, do you know of any ship that is for high levels and that has a lot of range?

I’m alpha.

Any destroyer or cruiser, even some frigates, can complete level 2 missions with no problems. For level 3 ones you’ll need a battlecruiser and skill points invested (there are exceptions, some pirate faction cruisers, t3 strategic cruisers, assault frigates and heavy assault cruisers, tactical and command destroyers, but those are eighter very expensive for you right now and most of them require omega) , at least have t2 modules for tank and meta 4 guns/missile launchers and battlecruiser to at least level 3-4 trained. Since you speak of rockets and long range , Drake is the perfect choice for you.
If you need help with fitting , give us a shout here.

Thanks for the info, I’ll watch while I mine. Long range I don’t care if it’s missiles or turrets, I just like to keep distance. And yes, if someone can recommend a fit, either for Drake or for anyone else, that would be very good.

[Drake, lvl3]

Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Shield Power Relay II
Ballistic Control System II

10MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Missile Guidance Computer II

‘Arbalest’ Heavy Missile Launcher, Scourge Heavy Missile
‘Arbalest’ Heavy Missile Launcher, Scourge Heavy Missile
‘Arbalest’ Heavy Missile Launcher, Scourge Heavy Missile
‘Arbalest’ Heavy Missile Launcher, Scourge Heavy Missile
‘Arbalest’ Heavy Missile Launcher, Scourge Heavy Missile
‘Arbalest’ Heavy Missile Launcher, Scourge Heavy Missile
[Empty High slot]

Medium Core Defense Field Purger I
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I

Hobgoblin II x5

Scourge Heavy Missile x1
Missile Precision Script x1
Missile Range Script x1

Next upgrade for it will be t2 heavy missile launchers , unlocking fury type missiles will give you more DPS and precision type ones will kill frigates and elite frigates without drone help. Invest in missile support skills and have those trained to level 3-4 . When doing missions use mission specific hardeners depending on what you are up against .
There’s this guide to help you:

if u had the money, i would go for an orthrus fit since the damage and kiting {64 kmfor optimum range} capabilities are level with drake and much more faster speed although not as tanky as a drake. Heres my fit and im also an alpha.

[,64 km kiting 35 EHP]
F-89 Compact Signal Amplifier
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II

Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
10MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Enduring Multispectrum Shield Hardener

‘Arbalest’ Heavy Missile Launcher,Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Missile
‘Arbalest’ Heavy Missile Launcher,Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Missile
‘Arbalest’ Heavy Missile Launcher,Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Missile
‘Arbalest’ Heavy Missile Launcher,Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Missile
‘Arbalest’ Heavy Missile Launcher,Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Missile
Core Probe Launcher I,Core Scanner Probe I

Medium EM Shield Reinforcer II
Medium Thermal Shield Reinforcer II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II

Caldari Navy Hornet
Caldari Navy Hornet
Caldari Navy Hornet
Caldari Navy Hornet
Caldari Navy Hornet

or go with this speedy 64 km kiting drake fit :

[Drake, 64 km kiting 40K EHP]
Power Diagnostic System II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II

50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
Large Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery
Enduring Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Enduring Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Thermal Shield Amplifier II
Large Shield Extender II

‘Arbalest’ Heavy Missile Launcher
‘Arbalest’ Heavy Missile Launcher
‘Arbalest’ Heavy Missile Launcher
‘Arbalest’ Heavy Missile Launcher
‘Arbalest’ Heavy Missile Launcher
‘Arbalest’ Heavy Missile Launcher

Medium Ancillary Current Router II
Medium EM Shield Reinforcer II
Medium Rocket Fuel Cache Partition II

Caldari Navy Hornet x5

Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Missile x216

A very general reply:
Level 1 missions, as you’ve discovered are easy enough in a Frigate.
Level 2 missions, yeah they can be done in a destroyer but really a Cruiser. Especially if you are a new player with lower general skills.
Level 3 missions. Battlecruisers.
Level 4 missions. Battleships.

There’s a more detailed version than that, but that’s for higher skilled players who have different ship abilities and preferences.

As a new player you are probably watching the ISK reasonably carefully. Sticking with the Empire - in your case probably Caldari - T1 ships is fine. I’m not sure why people suggest very expensive pirate ships and fittings to new players. It may be to do with their judgement of their own inadequacies.

As a Caldari player the question is do you want to go down the missile or hybrid turret route? The Caldari are more often missile pilots, but either are viable for missions. For missiles the logical progression would be Corax -> Caracal -> Drake -> Raven.
For a gunnery focused pilots that becomes Cormorant -> Moa -> Ferox -> Naga (which I find is a much more interesting line, but I prefer gunships).

The Battlecruisers will do both Level 2 and Level 3 missions quite happily.


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