Here is how to gain neutral standings to triglavian npcs

There really needs to be something on the “Show Info” window for a solar system, or the map itself, that tells you what state it is in. You can readily see on the map which systems have been turned to which empire in Faction Warfare. You don’t have to go crawling through the Agency to find out that Caldari have captured Nennamalia. It should be as easy to find out whether Trigs or EDENCOM hold a system, or what contested stage it is in.


correct : that’s “WHAT HAPPENED TO ME”.
Learn to read.

It’s good to know that it worked for some of your toons without the need to lose a ship. Still what I wrote is correct.

What you wrote was a generic “need to lose ship to become white.”, not " I needed to lose a ship to become white".

Learn to write…


USELESS. Why are these sections never available?

Why are gates to EDENCOM Fortress systems decorated with Triglavian emblems? Shouldn’t they be decorated with EDENCOM emblems? I WANT TO SPEAK TO THE MANAGER.


They are active when there are systems in those states. Those are transitional states, though. Minor victory systems are entirely separate and don’t have a menu option at all, which means you have to look up third party sourced data (such as the Kybernaut Clade website) for information that should be present in the game UI.

CCP did a bad job implementing this event.


No. What I wrote is literally

I literally explained what I had to do in order to make it work.

Anything else you claim is BS. Learn to read.

Thanks. Have a :red_circle: as a token of my appreciation.

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Which could mean either “I needed to lose a ship to become white” or “If you want to become white you need to lose a ship” - either would be equally applicable.

Learn to write without ambiguity…

Furthermore, you did not “need to lose a ship to become white”, you simply lost a ship becoming white in this particualr instance. A different attempt may well have ended up with you white without losing a ship.

Learn not to generalise from the particular…

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No, it means literally that this is what happened to me.
FFS stop claiming that it means something else than it means.

I know well that other people became white without losing their ship. You claiming that I don’t know that is just bad assumptions.

And you can’t prove that. So STFU.
You can’t prove that there is no bug on a per-character basis.
You can’t prove that the algorithm is exactly the same for everybody.
You can’t prove that just because I failed it several times without losing a ship, means that I would have succeeded on more tries without losing a ship.

Learn to not make unnecessary assumptions.
Yes, maybe it’s something else. STILL what fixed it for me was, getting my noobship killed - on several characters BTW.


Are you doing multiple runs or just one everytime ?

I always make people do 3 runs in quick succession with the third run ending in a rookie ship death.

So far after doing it like this I have no fails.

Now I do not claim that 3 runs need to be done or that the rookie ship must die. But this way is 100% success.
And I’ve taken many people who have contacted me from the forums.
Approximately 20 pilots now have their standings with this method.

However if someone can confirm part of my method isn’t necessary I will gladly test it out.

Also I do these in edencom minor victory systems in the field base site


Hello there.
First i want say thank you for this great thread and the help from Zombie Ellecon and all other pilots with their issues and solutions. :grinning:
Maybe my knowlege which I made is for some pilots still helpfull.

After initial big difficulties to get positive Triglavien Standing, I made it on several pilots successfull.

At first I thought a shot at an Edecom would be enough to get the standing.
So I flew to a New Edecom Forward Site, shot with a rookie ship onto an Edencom ship and warped immediately out to dock at a station (no standing gained).

This method didn’t work because I was warped out much too early. The Edencom ships must be traget on you, otherwise you don’t get standings.

Next I tried to get the standing with several pilots in different sites and systems out.

1. Edecom Minior Victory System
a) Edencom Staging Area (Rookie Ship)
I choosed a battleship (T2), shot on it, let me target it and then I warped out and docked at a station.
I repeated this procedure three times to get standing. (Success)
The server does not seem to register/count the first run :thinking:

2. Triglavien Minor Victory System
a) Edencom Forward Post (Rookie Ship)
Selected a battleship (T1), shot on it, let me target it and then I warped out and docked at a station.
I repeated this procedure three times to get standing. (Success)
The server does not seem to register/count the first run :thinking:

I was lucky on this site because no frigates are spawned. :smile:

Anyways! It’s looking that the first attack was never counted towards me, no matter what I did. Also, the ships that targeted me weren’t red. Only on the second attempt on the same site were the ships that marked me still red.

Also it is essential to dock at station otherwise standing change will not be successfull.

Before you starting to shoot on a ship, you should always be aligned to a station for a insta warp out.
In order to avoid losses, I have found myself out to be more than 15 km away from the frigates if some are in the site. So they can only webb you and not scramble. This method avoid a ship loss like other pilots posted it before and the opponents can connect you and shoot at you.

I would like to thank all pilots for the help and wish everyone a lot of fun in EVE and a nice weekend.

Fly safe :grinning:


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In view of the ISD’s action, I’ll simply say I’m no longer part of this conversation.

I have 0.004 positive standing with the Triglavian. But there is an instance when they still shoot my ship.

CCP doesn’t like it that the players figured out how to avoid the chaos.

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Dont get it really HS content is provided but turns out just to be a grind to get neutral standings which is where we were before the patched introduced it.

I would prefere this non sandbox content be limited for those that get engaged in it leaving the rest of us to keep on trucking.


I want to bribe them with vodka and hard bass music holos!


You say ‘an instance’. Is this a unique circumstance and, if so, could you describe it please ?

So your preferred ‘sandbox’ would have no content at all ?