Hey RJD, did you purge everyone competent back in YC110?

A very insightful comment, Ms Valate. We can always rely on you.

They had better look into that. Who knows how far the rot goes? All the way to the core, perhaps?

So much for ever asking a good-faith question on these fora.

Well no ā– ā– ā– ā– .

Iā€™m glad we have Blooder confirmation and an Amarr agreement that an internal Minmatar matter brought up by the oldest Minmatar loyalist capsuleer still flying is indeed worth addressing! Thatā€™s exactly why I wrote about it on the IGS!

No, wait. It isnā€™t.


Now, again, as already explained above, the question is not ā€œwhy did Seykal take iskā€ (well I wonder why would a bounty hunter do that?!) or ā€œwhy did the Amarr bid higher than we didā€ (sheesh) or ā€œisnā€™t it kinda good that LUMEN & PIE are broke nowā€ (sure, yes - whether worth it depends on what Seykal does with the isk and what Zashev knows though, obviously).

The question is where was RJD?


So, where were they?

You stated yourself the Thukker are considered ā€œa friendly mercenary groupā€. Why then, does it appear that friendship counts for nought? True, mercenaries by definition are after ISK, but to drop a valued attachment at the drop of a coin, and an enemy coin at that? I would doubt that the problem exists soley with or within the RJD. One wonders how much more they would be willing to overlook for the right price.

Of course, you are right, I have no business in a Tribal matter, especially not when such vaunted credentials are so proudly touted. I shall leave you to your rhetorical musings.

Imagine a world where Amarrians have this realisation before they stick their nose into a topic.


The question was not rhetorical. Neither was it, however, aimed at the Amarr, especially one who clearly has very shaky understanding about how relations and nuances in the matter go.

Yes, Seykal are (at least nominally) a Republic-affiliated mercenary group. They are also Thukker. Yes, that means, it is entirely possible this means the Justice Department is just fine letting them give away an intel asset and a wanted criminal so they can make a shitload of isk on it. (Especially taking into account as helpfully explained like to a 5-yo by the Blooder above that government officials deemed ā€œcorruptā€ by Thukker assassins have a tendency to end up somewhat dead.)

However, it assumes a lot of ā€œfriendship that countsā€ that RJD would go as far as not even trying to intercept enemy forces in control of the asset after the deal is sealed. Even if theyā€™d be willing to, out of courtesy to their good friends the Seykal Expeditionary Force, or out of some resources changing hands, it also assumes Seykal has a motive to deliver Zashev to the Empire (as opposed to deliver Zashev to whoever gives them most isk for him and not care the least bit after that what someone else does to intercept). And thatā€™s a little bit too tinfoil-y to me. The Thukker would indeed be likelier to play into Blooder hands there than Amarr, given their past associations.

There are of course also other alternative explanations for the absence of Republic actions. Sheer incompetence is one. Bribing and threats are entirely possible. Someone again stealing resources to some pet project of theirs instead of giving them to the officials do their jobs would not surprise (it should be even easier now that the thieves in question are more in charge of the money as a whole). If you add a bit of tinfoil, multiple explanations exist for why it would be in the Justice Depts interests if no one paid any closer attention to the Rens bombings in the first place.

But in any case it is more nuanced than ā€œwell Seykal are Matari so obvs any deal they made is a Republic deal duhā€. Thatā€™s not the way things work, any more than a deal Alar Chakaid makes with the Blooders is a deal that the Empire will honor out of friendship and mutual respect.

Considering the internal shitstorm going over this on the Amarr loyalist front, this Ekaterina seems to be frantically trying to shift attention out of that to here. And apparently somewhat succeeding.


The problem is that we tend to assume that everyoneā€™s opinions are worth entertaining. Sheā€™s not the only troll who has gotten to this point.

I would prefer to think that the RJD handed him to the thukkers once they no longer had any need of him, and the fix was in the whole time.

Iā€™d prefer toā€¦ but I donā€™t.

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It is plausible given available facts that it was RJD that busted Zashev out from MIO custody and have had him this whole time. Just notā€¦ shall we say very likely.

The simplest answer is usually the correct one, so Iā€™m inclined to stick with your original assertion.

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I suspect Realpolitik or corruption more than incompetence. Perhaps someone higher up got a deal they couldnā€™t refuse to ensure resources werenā€™t in place, or folks were made (willingly or otherwise) to look the other way.

The life of oneā€™s self or of those close to them is, after all, still a potential currency in deals if money or assets donā€™t suffice. I suspect this is the case with the Ministryā€™s side of things as well.


That would beā€¦ trad. If we do something well, itā€™s realpolitik. Whether realpolitik is ā€œcorruptionā€ depends, of course, entirely on who is talking and who the politicking benefitsā€¦

And then the major question becomes who benefits.

Iā€™ll just leave this here: according to local news, ā€œRepublic Justice Department Opens Investigation Into Seykal Clan Over Wanted Slaver Orlon Zashevā€.

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Iā€™ve been trying to decide what to say about that, but I suppose thereā€™s nothing much I can say. I suppose someone competent enough to realize there needs to be at least a show of paying attention survived, after all.

I am sure that someone will let us know if we can be of any assistance.

Never again another Long Night.

Elsebeth Rhiannon
SoERR, Electus Matari


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