I’ve been considering stating my own corp. I want it to be an industry corp and i want to set up a raitaru(in hi sec most likely) and i was wondering how to find out if a corp/alliance lays claim to spots that i want to set up in. I don’t want to roll in plop it down just to have a corp harassing me for rent/ war dec’ing me.
Any help is apreciated.
That is unfortunately the lay of the Eve landscape. You can talk to locals to find out whos the local power around there but you can always end up war decced by randoms coming through seeing you as a juicy or weak target, mercs or anyone else you happen to look cross at at any time in this game.
You kinda gotta roll the dice and take your chances. Mitigate it with more powerful friends and allies. But in the end if someone wants it bad enough theyll take it from you if you cant defend it.
It always puzzles me when some miners just start to excavate ore without asking anyone “who owns the place”? And then they are surprised if their ships explode
we got in (another) big slap fight with pirat for this a while back
one of our lads had his own quiet little system
nothing special, out of the way ,
he was absolutely vicious about defending it though, any and every thing that went up in there got ripped down, from mtu’s to poses to citadels, didnt matter.
we got some great wars out of it.
eventually one of shirtleses(or whatever his name is) alts plopped a thing in there , we murdered the thing , they murdered us we murdered their faces back
you know the story
anyway, op, point is, check the zkill stats for a system before settling in , if theres a story there thats where your first clue would be.
Please dont put down a EC/citadel if your not able to defend it, we ripped down HS azbel and ritaru from people we suspected of botting and we didnt get a single defender to make it interesting
High-sec doesn’t have a sovereignty mechanic, so basically, as suggested above:
look at zkillboard for the solar system you have in mind, get an idea
if you ask, in my opinion you’ll get many answers and they’ll all be “that system is mine, don’t you dare put anything down / you have to pay me x to do it”, just because it doesn’t cost anything to lay claim
once you install your facility, it’s nobody else’s duty to defend it, it’s all you
there are plenty of groups, and some are even large null-sec alliances, looking to war-dec and destroy, either so they can control the market or industry in the area, or just for fun
So when you look at the cost / benefit, include the fees to hire one of the mercenary groups (like Ralph’s) on retainer for defenses. Ultimately, everything of value in EVE has to be backed by PVP. Transports, Freighters, citadels, planetary customs offices (POCO’s), whatever you have. Even in high-sec. It’s a PVP game.