High sec is an entire hangar

This is a logistics upgrade. Basically you will be able to drag and drop items in your Assets window, between stations in high sec.

  • A window will pop up when you do it giving you a price it costs.
  • The transfer wont be instant
  • Maximum of 1 logistics job per character increasable to 6 with a new skill.

Time as well cost of a transfer will depend on the size, value and number of jumps and perhaps item type(s). The goal is to make it economical to move items around that are not currently worth the time or money to move while the riskier and more valuable logistics jobs will be cheaper to do yourself etc.

If it is not economical to move around in time or ISK or both…then just trash the item and be done with it.

Otherwise STFU, get a hauler, DST, blockcade runner, Freighter, Bowhead, etc and move the stuff yourself.

I reported you comment as inappropate. What is your problem?

I would love to discus this with you if you weren’t being negative but i will ignore you for both our sake. Have a nice day.

that this idea is idiotic
that this idea is another of your attempts to delete a playstyle.

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