How close are we to actual ads in stations and space?

  • Intense PvP combat or Abyssal PvE…
  • Unskippable several minutes long ad shows up with window on top of the interface.
  • CCP: Skip this ad by buying one of our NFTs

Welcome to the future! :wink:


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Thats Actually Very Doable Its Possible GIF - ThatsActuallyVeryDoable ItsPossible ItsFeasible ...

but…since I like Aisha at least marginally more than I like you…for now at least…I already set you to “ignored forever”…so won’t be able to tell you how to ignore posters.
You could always simply not read any posts from certain posters, eh?

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New players want that. Put it in the game, CCPlease. :wink:

Don’t need anymore stuff added, system is already overloaded with way too much graphic dressing making the game laggy.

Anyway, there was a time long ago when CCP tried to be Politically Correct with in-game advertisements like this:


I still see those i think. Or i see something like that at stargates. Its ugly

The banner box under the ad is more interesting :thinking:
…that isk quote :star_struck:

Mr Ten Tron Y.O.B 2006

“…legendary scams…”

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Yeah, it’s a screenshot of a Billboard located near Stargates which are still active in-game.

However my point was about the advertisement on it. Basically this was back when the big ‘catch phrase’ on public social media was ‘Just Say No’…

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