How do you determine if a blueprint is an origianl or copy

I’m trying to find out if a blueprint is an original or a copy. From the ESI the Json returned from two blueprints is below, one is an original and one is a copy.
The ESI says that blueprint orginals have a run value of -1. Whats the correct way to tell if its a copy or not. Also there are different Icons for copys and originals the background color seems to be a slightly different shade but still has the same type id. Is there a way to find out the blueprint copy icon?

  ItemId: 1023089598241
  LocationFlag: Hangar
  LocationId: 60002419
  MaterialEfficiency: 10
  Quantity: -1
  Runs: -1
  TimeEfficiency: 20
  TypeId: 1145

  ItemId: 1031800001322
  LocationFlag: Hangar
  LocationId: 60002419
  MaterialEfficiency: 10
  Quantity: -2
  Runs: 1
  TimeEfficiency: 20
  TypeId: 1145

The look of it is that the one on top is the original (negative one runs) and the one on the bottom is a copy (positive one runs). Is that what you’re asking?

There is two indicators here: runs (note that this is named licensed_runs in the industry jobs endpoints, runs everywhere else) and quantity
runs: -1 = BPO
runs: >=1 = BPC
quantity: -2 = BPC
quantity: -1 = BPO
Here is my code to determine is something is a BPO or BPC:

I haven’t gotten any complains of incorrect marking, so, I assume that it is working correctly.

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Thanks Golden_Gnu. that worked a treat.

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