How many alts are there in relation to the number of online players?

LOL…you picked the one word from the clause. It was “multiply labeled” . . . as if you need this pointed out to you. Fortunately, regarding the printed word, it’s there for ALL to see.

“…struggling…” Don’t you wish?

So when I say something is an estimate or a guess, and that I’ve multiply labeled it as such, which means I indicated several times in various ways that it is a guess, and my posts say:

“not based on statistics”, “just based on observations”, “my guess is”, “something in that range”, and " I don’t intend for those numbers to be in any way accurate as numbers"

Which part are you having difficulty with? It’s either the use of ‘multiply’ to mean in more than one way, or the use of ‘labeled’ to show which category something belongs to. Either way, they’re both standard usage.

If there’s a ‘wish’ here, it would be that you indicate which part of standard English usage you’re having trouble with, and perhaps I can help you out.

labeled(Adjective): Defined or described.

“He was labeled as a racist for his otherwise innocent remark.”

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Your “usage” is what Theodore Bernstein would term “clumsy”. What you seem to be after is “…multiple labels…” Yet, even that is inelegant. I can see you’re trying to employ an atomic flyswatter here in keeping with the bombast of your tone. However, your syntactical error occurs in the midst of a scathing attempt to criticize someone else’s grasp of language.

The piece de resistance is that it was obvious you would deny having erred and continue to regardlessly “mansplain”, something in which you now are forced to persist having boxed yourself in with your ego-driven diatribe evidenced by a lame attempt to hold forth with a lecture about English.

Pejorative much?


why? Less unique players means that every single one has more weight, than you maybe anticipated before.

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