Hey guys,
I’m actually new to this game and forum (~6h ingame time) so please don’t hate me if i chose the wrong forum here
I actually asked myself how much player skill matters in fights.
There are things like auto orbiting, auto targetting/shooting and so on.
So does the bigger/better fitted ship/better (ingame skills) skilled pilot auto wins?
(I know there are ships that kind of counter others but what im actually talking about is: We both have the same ship. Mine is better fitted and my ingame char has more skills learned. Can you still win? And like mentioned how much does personell skill matter?)
I asked this question ingame and a nice guy told me that ingame experience matters alot. Factors like speed, ammo types used etc.
He explained there is something like outspeeding someone so that his weapons cant lock/target/hit me.
I asked of there are some deadangels where his weapons cant reach me. He answered there are no such points.
So does the fadtest ship win because the otherone cant actually hit me?
I am someone who really is into action and skillbased things (playing lots of mobas/shooters) and I would really like to go on a fighting path in EVE.
The only thing holding me back is my mentioned question and the fact that I dont really think I can enjoy fights beeing deceited by ship fittings/size… before it started.
How much fun is there auto locking/orbiting someone and leaning back till the other one is blown up?
PS: The answer given will most likely deceite about my thoughts aboit this game: Is it worth spending my time? Or is it not?
Ty for reading till here
Have a nice day and a save flight
Salut !!!