How to Extract 3D Ship Model and Skins?

Open the eve launcher and klick the button with the E at the top right:


Select “Shared Cache” and a new Window will open:


Where it says C:\EVE\SharedCache\ for me, it may say something else for you. That’s where you need to look. In that folder is a folder called tq. Once you have found that, open TriExporter (it needs to be the fork I linked above with support for the shared cache). Go to File -> Set folder… and point to afforementioned folder.

Once you have done that it will list all the assets in a sort of directory tree. You can find the ships in res:\dx9\model\ship\ <faction>\ <class>\ <hull type>\

I typically export the whole folder as files (right click on it -> save folder). It contains the textures and some other stuff I don’t know what to do with. Then I double click the ship model itself (that’s the .gr file) and it will show me a preview. Then go to File -> Export model, and I save it as .obj, as I can easily import it into Blender, but other formats may work for you as well.

Shameless plug:

The shader is a bit wonky at times, but it kind of works nonetheless. I have a better version by now, but I have been too lazy recently to clean it up and release it because :effort: