Anyone know how to get ships model?

Howdy everyone.

I wanna make a 3D video using ships model.
I tried all of this link --> How to Extract 3D Ship Model and Skins?

First, eve online ship models file format, gr2 has updated.
so I couldn’t get models

Second I know GitHub
but this model couldn’t be applied ships texture in blender.

Anyone know how to get new ships model?



I want to know how too…

Triexported dont export the files? You dont have to save them as gr2, triexporter can save as different format usable in blender. But I am afraid some meshes may not be included in the model.

I use:
TriExporter with newest granny2.dll to unpack the directory with models and textures from EVE files
Granny Viever to see what there is actually in the files.
Grnreader98 with newest granny2.dll to extract models from .gr2 to .smd with submeshes.
Milkshape trial to convert .smd to .obj
Blender for remodeling and texturing.
Resources: Triexporter Still works?

Textures I exported and converted with some other tool able to read that format from EVE. I dont remember now what it was. I will check when back at home. (Its SageThumbs)

Also if the “download everything” option is not turned on in launcher, the game will lack files for you to export and it will result in broken exports of files that in fact doesnt exist in game files on your computer.


Thanks for answering my question.

I tried again which way you wrote.
It doesn’t work at all.

My problem looks like doesn’t load all textures.
So do you have same problem with me?

Thank you

It doesnt show the texture very nicely in that triexporter window. It was changed by CCP how textures work some time ago (there is a lot of stuff baked into one DDS file) and triexporter did not update for some time…

you will find textures called _AR, _NO and _PMDG. _AR has the albedo (brightness/color) texture in it’s red, green and blue channels and the roughness (“glossiness”) texture in the alpha channel, _NO has the normal map (fake geometry) in its green and alpha channels and the occlusion texture (fake lighting) in its blue channel (if memory serves, this one is especially weird), and _PMDG has the paint (little details like hull markings) texture in red, material (which material goes where on the hull) texture in green, dirt texture in blue and glow mask (where the lights are) in alpha.

One way would be to extract different textures from one .dds file by separating channels in GIMP and then saving them separately. But thats considering you can extract stuff first from game files.

I do it this way: export .gr2 file, its mesh with UV. I used TriExporter last time innate export tool.
Then I export .dds file, its texture.
I use SageThumbs to convert .dds file to .png

I import the mesh to Blender. It already have UIs so I just add material and add this texture linking to color.
I will show in screenshots when I am back at home.

You have to get this granny2 file that is posted by me earlier in first post, and configure triexporter and set “download all” option in client to be on, then there are these options:

Then when you have .png files made out of .dds (SageThumbs addon to windows) you have to decompose them to extract these different channels and save as roughness, material, glow, etc, like in previous post is quoted.

explanation of decomposition GIMP 2.8.20 tutorials - 28 - Decompose and Compose - YouTube

Extract RGBA channels using decomposition, and save layers as different images, rougness, albedo, material etc… Alpha is important too as there are diferent usuful data there like these small windows and engines glow data. Then compose as needed.

Note that dds files are flipped vertically to what blender expects as texture. Blender will show every texture messed up when you dont flip them vertically when saving as .png.

When composing normal map the alpha channel have to be color inverted (what black must be white and white must be black, then in compose RGB: red channel have to be green, green have to be alpha and blue have to be mask 255. :joy:
Then in blender that texture have to be chosen as normal map and “non color data” chosen just below the “browse image” in the same box. (Or Linear and color space linear too in new Blender 2.8)

Then you can see its really easy to import .obj file into blender, (you may want to fix it by making it Opaque in shader options, if its messed up and transparent in some parts). Then maybe scale it, making it smaller because its so big. I am modifying material then, adding all textures there in “Material”.
Basically building everything in cycles anew. I dont understand what the hell is there by default in materials “shape 1” and “shape 0” so I dont use them.

Download this zip file:

to see the blender file, how material is made and textures inside that folder, as an example.

EDIT: there may be unassigned “material” in the model in place of engines. You will have to choose “edit mode” in blender and select all the mesh of a model, and then “assign” “material” to the whole mesh, so the texture actually shows on model in that place. If you ever have this kind of problem that texture doesnt show somewhere, its a matter of assigning the material with texture to the mesh. UVs are already there so its not a matter of UVs.


So Tri-Exporter still works?
A couple of years ago I showed one of my nephews how to use Unity and imported an Eve ship into the project to show the kid how it’s done. But the model I got from Tri-Exporter a long time ago and had trouble with the skin.

And thanks Nana. Good stuff there.

Yeah, you just have to have the updated granny dll and it will work, a couple of links in this thread have it.

So is this Packed Texture System (pictured on the right in the image) what is currently being used?

After implementing PBR it was changed, and there is dirt map even. Its like I posted before here in this thread.

So if I’m understanding that post correctly:

Albedo is R/G/B channels on the _ar file.
Roughness is alpha on the _ar file.
Normal map is G/Alpha on the _no file.
Occlusion is blue on the _no file.
Paint is just hte red layer on the _pmg file.
Material is just green layer on the _pmg file.
Dirt is the blue on _pmg file.
Glow is the alpha on the _pmg file.

Do I have that right?

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Yes, I extracted it yesterday and made this blender file, but I am still learning how to extract correct data from these files and improve the material look in Blender. For example meshes of characters and clothes can have submeshes and then files have to be extracted as .gr2 and… its a different story with avatars altogether.

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I guess the only issue I’m having is with the normal map. I open the _no file in gimp, flip vertical, decompose as RGBA, hide red and blue channels, ensure that green and alpha channels are viewed and export as png. I noticed that the image is “gray” in color rather than the pink/blue color that I expected a normal map to be.

When I load this up in blender (after replicating your blender node group) it turns everything black.

The alpha channel have to be color inverted (what black must be white and white must be black, then in compose RGB: red channel have to be green, green have to be alpha and blue have to be mask 255. :joy:
Then in blender that texture have to be chosen as normal map and “non color data” chosen just below the “browse image” in the same box.

I’m guessing the answer is “no” but is it possible to download and extract specific skins for hulls?

Never tried it. Still learning how to do stuff in Blender. I think the colors and some complex SKINs are done as differently placed masks on the model. Or something like that, like in this tutorial:

Yeah no worries. I figured they’d tightly control them being that they’re paid art assets. I’m building the final product in illustrator anyway, just thought I’d shave off extra time and ensure replication accuracy.

Sidenote, I tried opening the _pmg, added a layer filled with white below it and saving that as a .png to use as the normal map as you suggested (at least I think that’s what you were suggesting) and I’m still getting the black shading issue as seen in the attached images. You can see the black clipping if I move the camera around it. I’ve also included my nodes, maybe you can see something that I screwed up on.

camera%20perspective%20clipping|444x500 camera%20perspective nodescamera%20perspective%20clipping

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Please do the normal map as I wrote later, with decomposing and composing.

Decompose original “no” (normals, occlusion) to layers (RGBA)
invert colors in alpha layer
compose (RGB) as:
Red -> Green
Green -> Alpha
Blue -> mask 255

Save as “Normal” and use “non color data” option in image texture block in Blender. That is how it actually should be I noticed. It doesnt produce any strange effects then. And there should be “tangent” chosen in normal map block in Blender.

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BTW I dont know if Illustrator you are working with have something like changing bitmap to vector image, but I know Inkscape have such thing and it works wonders. Just a shameless Inkscape plug. :joy:

I’ve just been using blender’s freestyle render and export as .svg option to get the line work into Illustrator. For the decomp I’ve been using GIMP as it’s decom is a little bit more structured than Photoshop’s “separate channels” feature.

I’ll give that normal map another try, thanks for that.

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