If you don’t go that deep into the past, but only like 70 years back, then you’ll see what can happen when people believe the opposite. You as a German should be well aware of this. That you keep insisting that which you cannot see can also not exist is disturbing.
As an uneducated person will you perhaps know that the existence of the Higgs particle has been proven theoretically long before it got detected.
Ah he’s German,that explains alot
Im Finnish.
You believed I was German, though no evidence exists to that, and though Ive been very open about being Finnish.
See what you and I did there?
Their existence was/is speculated based on evidence.
Again, went right over your head
I grew up in Germany, too, but we were raised not to make the same mistake twice. Not to believe that only when we don’t see something that it couldn’t be true. People in the past did make this mistake and supported the wrong politics, which we know how it ended. As somebody who grew up in the same country as Salvos am I rather astonished how he keeps making that same mistake. Almost as if he hadn’t even attended any schools, not to mention a higher education. Every school kid in Germany gets to learn this.
So prove it.
I thought I saw you claim to be German a while back. Now you claim to be Finnish. It’s however of no relevance, because this isn’t about you. I only expressed my concern over your ill thinking to Dark Engraver.
it’s still about the proof you need to make that there can be no such bot, which you haven’t given us yet.
Salvos will start the bot Holocaust
With his thinking is he right on the track. Just how will he fight something he cannot see and thus believes it cannot exist? It’s truly a dilemma for someone who wants to change the game to fight bots, isn’t it?
The existence of the Higgs Boson has not yet been conclusively proven, nor its exact nature.
Strange, as you falsely believed me to be German, and then rattled off a bunch of false generalisations/stereotypes of Germans, including anecdotes of yourself as German.
I lived 4years in Hamburg, but am not German.
There are currently no hack or probe bots in EVE that can reliably complete that function, as there also is no evidence of their existence.
If you cant show any evidence that they exist, then you have no basis for arguing that they do.
You are the one that believes in the existence of something for which you have no evidence. I cant “holocaust” hack/probe bots, because they do not exist as functional in EVE.
So how do you fight what you cannot see?
There is no need to fight hack/probe bots, as they do not exist in EVE as capable of completing that task via automation.
How come there is a little German flag on your jacket?
So how do you fight what you cannot see?
That’s what the Russians said during the Winter War.
How come there is a little German flag on your jacket?
Its Bundeswehr surplus, dyed black, that I bought in London off a street vendor some 20yrs ago.
its my durable work jacket for when I need to get dirty.
Its really quite funny how consistently you keep faceplanting.
Its really quite funny how consistently you keep faceplanting.
Well, it’s a simple question I was asking about your jacket since you claim to be Finnish, but wear a German army jacket. Your video is amusing. I like how you want to explain that bots are harmless even though CCP declared them illegal. At least the later part did sink into you.
I like how you want to explain that bots are harmless even though CCP declared them illegal.
If the player is quasi-present, or botting only reasonable hours, it doesnt really matter whether they are sending the commands themselves or via bot. The isk/material they generate is equivalent to what they would generate in that same period, if they where at their PC anyways.
In other words, if a player plays, or bots, for 6-8hrs a day, the isk/material generation is the same.
The REAL problem botters, are the ones that add up inhuman durations of botting, generating more isk/materials, day after day, than a human can personally.
Do you understand the difference?
TLDR: The harmful aspect of botting, is not in its automation per se, its in the inhuman amounts of isk/materials they flood into the game.
Do you understand the difference?
I understand what you’re trying to say, but it’s wrong.
See, when you believe a bot, which runs 6-8 hours wasn’t harmful, because it mimics a human, then you only ignore that what customers want. We don’t want bots in the game. And players who no longer play the game, because it has bots in them, cause CCP a loss. As such is any bot, no matter how long it runs, harmful to the game and to CCP.