Fixed that for you.
Im asking if he knows of their existence, or not.
Fixed that for you.
Im asking if he knows of their existence, or not.
It’s already been answered, Salvos.
I then don’t use bots. I cannot say if any of them, mining, ratting, exploration, market or any other type of bot, is working reliably.
My experience from the past is that they never work very reliably, because they don’t have to in order to benefit from it.
Where, exactly, has that already been answered?
Link it.
Is it a yes or a no?
Why are you asking me? You have a scrollbar, use it. And when you’ve found it, please, don’t ask me about it.
Another evasion by a troll, again, for the upteenth time.
You should have used Crowders sign. lol.
its been answered multiple times by more than just @whitehound.
you don’t want to accept that sometimes you are wrong.
This tangent began when someone asked if there are data/relic can hack capable reliable bots.
There are not.
Nor are their functional, reliable probe bots.
This crap above is just more attempts by shills to distract from CCP taking pro-action against botting, rather than being re-active.
Link 3 of those multiple times.
They arent there.
Nobody has shown evidence of the existence of such bots.
How is a discussion, a distraction towards the developers? Are they in on this conversation? No.
I’m not linking anything for you because you are too lazy to use the scroll bar.
No-one, even once, has shown evidence this kind of bot exists in EVE.
Nobody has stated that they do exist. Only that we cannot see them, so we don’t know if they do or not. If they do exist, they are probably in some obscure part of the game that almost nobody goes to.
Thats as I said.
They dont exist, nor is there any evidence of them existing.
With that out of the way, we can return to the topic of how to reduce/fix botting in EVE.
This feels like the old tree falls in the forest.
You stated nobody has claimed they exist.
No one has given evidence they exist.
Thus there is no cause to believe they exist.
We can return instead to OP of how to reduce/fix botting in EVE of bots we do know exist, perpetuate and proliferate.
PS: There are two invisible relic/data can hacking and probing botters sitting in those two chairs next to me, but you cant see them cos you dont believe/imagine hard enough that they are there.
Somebody did and in this thread.
Even CAPTCHAs are being solved by bots these days. A video showing how its done, purely scientificly of course and not an actual bot. Vicarious - Turing Test 1: Captcha on Vimeo I personally find CAPTCHAs hard at times due to my eyesight and I have to ask for a new one, sometimes repeatedly. If the game presented me with those would I just ask repeatedly for a new one until I come across one that is easily recognizable. Yet the in the video, which is 5 year old, do they already achieve better scores than I could ever get. If this would be used as a bot detector, then only because it solves them better than a human.