How to fix the bot problem and make people happy

Cos you have nothing to offer.

You have nothing.

No, because I believe in keeping the detection of bots a hidden secret.

So you have the solution, but wont share it, cos you want to keep it a secret to yourself.

Thanks. Thats really fking helpful to EVE and the botting situation.

You sucked me into your crap, again, for no result except how pointless it is to talk with you here.

Not that it matters, because I dont think you have anything, anyways.

You’re asking me how bot detection works. How would making this information public help CCP?


I have not asked that.
You also dont know the answer to that.

Cite me where I have asked that as you claim.

That’s exactly what you’re asking.

I have not asked you how CCPs bot detection works, anywhere.
Nor do you know how CCPs bot detection works.

That’s two further counts of dishonesty, on top of the pre-existing stack.

You do however understand how an open discussion on how to detect bots can be harmful to CCP, yes?

Are you unware that you are posting in a thread, title of which specifically states “How to fix the bot problem”, and which has continued for almost 400 posts?

You dont have anything except waffling rhetoric.
You CANT explain your claim of “hidden detection” not because its a security risk to CCP, but because you have NOTHING except trolling and facile rhetoric to offer.

So you do understand it. Then you’ll understand why I won’t make a start. You’ll have to figure it out for yourself, and when you post it here, will I point out your flaws. Until then …

You have nothing, except trolling and empty rhetoric.

Good job wrecking a thread seeking a solution to a serious problem, by offering nothing of substance.

Right back at you.

Astounding, your imaginationland.

I proposed a concrete 3 pronged strategy with extensive elaboration and answered critique of it.

You did nothing but troll, and spout empty rhetoric with no substance.

I delivered. You did not.


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Might be crap paint, but its far more than you delivered, which was absolutely nothing aside from trolling and empty rhetoric.

Back on topic with constructive, enactable proposals of actual substance:

Proposal to reduce botting in EVE:

Its a three pronged strategy:

  1. Institute Delayed Local in Player NS to enable more bot hunting, with less intel to bots. This makes it easier for players to hunt/destroy botting ships.

  2. Crunch client sent data in terms of duration/frequency/repetition of activity, so that “inhuman” rates are flagged by a program for CCP staff to review, per instance, and abject clear inhuman botting duration/frequency autobanned pending appeal. This makes it easier for the small security staff to parse data for suspect activity.

  3. Institute a system of minigame popups, which occur when activity duratiin/frequency/repetitiin becomes suspicious, in circumstances that they wont paralayze a player, but will stump a bot. This prevents true-afk botting, which is the most harmful to EVE, its balance and economy,

Elaboration on minigame mechanic:

I propose a list of random/interactive/dynamic popups which would require expanding a bots programming quadratically, so as to solve a randomly generated/interactive/dynamic mini-game, instead of a static predictable pop-up.




The minigame popups can be designed to include dynamic, random colors, morphing, motion, and other random dynamic parameters. They will be trivial for a human to solve, but a bot program would have to be very complex to be able to solve any of these, as randomly generated, with random elements, in each instance.

Restrictions on the rate/conditions of the minigame pop-up can be set so that they do not endanger/interfere with a present player, but will incapacitate a bot till it solves them.

CCP can cycle in new minigame popups periodically, thus forcing bot programmers to adapt with effort/time, until the next set of new minigame popups.

Inb4 bot shills troll again, whilst offering nothing of their own.

Only because I haven’t seen it here yet, these are the methods for reporting bots:

Sending an email to

No crayons required for those who are serious about fighting bots.

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Player testimony has made it clear that reporting bots, even with an abundance of evidence included in the report as collated over an extended period, take months to be addressed, if ever, let alone banned as botters. Nor do we know what assets are seized then, or how far CCP follows the paper trail of wealth transfers from the botting account/s to confiscate it.

The current /month rate of bot bans has remained largely constant with little variation.
Either the 2 man Security staff cant do more, or they are not allowed to do more. In anycase, it seems there is atleast the same amount of botters, every month, to be banned, as a very weird constant.

It’s worth bearing in mind that we now have software that can diagnose (and prognose*) cancers etc. Does anyone (besides Salvos) really believe that computer systems and programs capable of such feats would not be able to solve a simple hacking puzzle ?

* if that’s actually a word, I mean ‘perform a prognosis’


Only very recently did we get a total suspension report, then even more recently an itemized report (which still does not differentiate suspensions from bans).

CCP stated that would offer more data on suspensions/bans, but its coming at a sporadic trickle, and still does not itemize it by sector.

A) A computer program cant make a diagnosis. Only crunch data, and flag a likely result for a physician to review. If anything, those algorithms can be adapted by CCP to run their own data for flags indicating botters as “tumors”.

B) You are conflating expensive software development programs involving large staff, dedicated hardware and software to that purpose, huge budgets and IP to people programming bots for EVE in their basement.

Its possible an EVE player that works at NASA and has an extensive software engineering CV can create and run a bot capable of relic/data cans, or probing sigs, but herr is zero evidence that such a bot has been used in EVE, let alone on a scale that is harmful to this games balance or economy.

The bot problem in EVE is primarily mining/ratting bots, market bots second, and assorted tertiary activities by bots third.

Mining/ratting bots are inflating the economy, in two directions, to everyones detriment.
Market bots are largely just an annoyance. They drive prices down by 0.1 isk as much as they drive them up by 0.1isk, reciprocally.
Tertiary bots are largely incidental, like key-casting to a multiboxed PVP fleet, or Jita spam bots.

Mining and ratting bots are the most severe problem, and need the the most immediate remedy.

PS: A prognosis is an estimate/prediction of the development of a condition, as subject to no care, or X type of care. A prognosis follows after a diagnosis, which is the identification/isolation of the ailment(s).