How To Handle 'PvE Only'

Ahaaa busted. I knew you were a boomer :joy:. Sorry dude I’m not on board. Y’all boomers are bigoted as hell :joy::joy:

What? Nah, I’m barely in my thirties.

The boomers are bad, but for a different set of reasons.


I don’t know what part about; “I don’t expect anyone here to understand or agree with me.”, people fail to understand.

I am simply expressing PvE exists in Eve, but PvE only is not real anywhere virtual or otherwise. Eve Online is a dystopian universe full of psychotics. Would any of you REALLY want to be shoved into a pod of goo and told to survive for the cause? Don’t worry if you die, because the one life one death is just a fad. We can kill each other and it really don’t matter anymore. It is like getting a speeding ticket. Thank God this is not real and only a PvP fantasy game. Get a grip people.

Adding a bunch of lofty optimistic Pollyanna to the game is just absurd. As I stated before in this thread; PvP games are a great way to relieve pent up stress, if they cause you stress, then I suspect you should not be playing them at all. I think this is what brings up this whole topic. Someone is out mining in their venture worth about 3 to 4 million ISK and along comes the PvPer who blows it up in seconds. The miner gets angry and wants PvE only environment which is completely unrealistic for any game.

Recently Black Desert added a 1 hour PvE only for the PvE crowd and they cry “It isn’t long enough.” Black Desert is PvE and PvP mixed, you are not even a target, unless you advance the character to level 50. They post warnings and there is a manual switch to continue beyond 49! Yet the PvE whiners get their way and are given an hour to each day to farm alone. They just cry louder for more all the time.

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Ah cool, me too :grin:

Whoa, PA actually caved?

Oh man, 2023 is certainly going to be a year.

The crazy thing is, pvp like literally never happens there anyway. I’ve been in 0 fights, ever. People just want to grind away. They caved to basically no pressure at all. I can’t imagine what they might cave to here.

The future is definitely PvE.

there are few on this forum that do PVP
people used to call that content creation back them

me and D here have our philosophical differences
but i like her a lot because i consider her kindred
she goes there and explode things with her ship and take responsibility for it

even now that CCP ■■■■■■ FW IMO i think that eventually the bears will crave for SRP and go back to null

the fact is
oh the PVP people scared me out of the game , like that ONE time i lost that ONE ships is a phenomena that happens much more in the mind of the bear than in the game per se

no one likes to waste LOTS of time looking for a generic kill , the more kills you have , the more time you have in the game , the less you want to deal with people that make your life boring

so the real PVP people fight , people that take NO CARE in avoiding death , other PVP people and OFC loot pinatas

just take 3 jumps aways from jita , stop doing stupid things im pipe 0.5 systems , avoid to much BLING and you will be fine

but NOOOOOOOO lets change the whole game because of irrational fears


So the US government’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has a whole division dedicated to the creation of Standard Reference Materials (SRM). These are things like creating a “standard jar of peanut butter” whose composition is extremely heavily analyzed to a very costly degree so that peanut butter manufacturers can simply use the SRM and certified values to calibrate their machines’ detectors to ensure food quality. The same goes for other manufactured goods like steel: when buying the same kind of steel it doesn’t matter which foundry you go to, they are all calibrated against the same SRM and producting the same kind of steel within a detectable tolerance.

NIST is a highly technical organization and sets the standards for the US Government in many areas. When standards are insufficient, they also do a lot of engineering and scientific legwork to identify gaps and propose modifications.

Eve Online is the US Government’s Standard Reference Material of a PVP everywhere sandbox videogame, indefinitely.


It’s a shame it’s so expensive…

Very funny.

Noooo ! We’re the guys who wrote ( quite literally in my case ) many of the early computer games. Many of us have been playing computer games since before you young-uns were a twinkle in the milkman’s eye. We’ve earned our right to be sad, grumpy, old farts like Victor Meldrew.

Tbf you seem like a pretty good one. Also in all honesty I very rarely dislike someone unless they’re a complete bigot.

I do get defensive pretty quick though. I live in the southeast US so I’m used to having to snap at ignorance before it gets out of hand cause there’s A LOT of it here lol.

This thread was an abomination wasn’t it? I wish i had been part of it


Yea most of this forum is entitled carebears crying about getting PvPed nonconsensually in a game that specifically revolves around nonconsensual PvP lol


me who made a forum on why that is the case

That’s your very limited opinion of Eve Online.

The thing that makes all the difference both in life and in a game like Eve is the ability to laugh at oneself. People can end up taking the game so seriously that any loss whatever has the impact of some major natural disaster…rather than just being pixels on a screen that by and large don’t cost all that much. Sure, there are bigger ships lost that cost a lot in rl equivalent…but the correct attitude is to regard all ships as lost already.

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Ouch ! Now that’s the sort of thing people should be crying over…not 2 pence worth of Venture or 50 pence worth of barge.