How to pass a camped gate with a covert ops

This depends a lot on the situation. Let me write a little wall of text to try to cover all of them and fail while trying.

Situtation 1, No Bubble:
You jump in a sytem (e.g. Tama), gate is camped. Flashing cirminals all around you.

  1. Keep calm, you have 1 minute gate cloak that you can use to think.
  2. Look where the enemies are. How are they moving? How far away are they? If they move, wait until they are more than 11km away before you act. A standard T2 Scram has 10km when overheated and not on a bonused ship.
  3. Wait. If you are lucky another pilot will jump in to the same gate. So if you hear gatefire behind you and there is another one decloacing before you do, the campers will likely try to catch him. This is the moment for you to go for a run while the campers are disctracted.
  4. (a) Look for an exit. Do you have a celestial in the direction your ship is already aligned? (As @Cristl did remind me below) Choose any celestial you like because it does not matter:
  1. (b) But I recommend to warp at it at 70km. 70 because most people who can follow you will warp at 0 or 100km and could decloak you in the process. But if you cloaked right when warping you should not be followed anynway.
  2. Immidieatly hit cloak after warping.
  3. Hit your Microwarpdrives (MWD) at the same time IF - and only if - you need to make distance from other objects which prevent you from claoking up.

Situation 2, Gate is bubbled:
You jumped into a system in Nullsec and land in a bubble and can not warp without manouvering out.

  1. Keep calm, you have 1 minute gate cloak that you can use to think.
  2. Where are the enemies? Are there other objects which will prevent you from cloaking? Drones, containers, corpses? Avoid what could decloak you when you first choose the direction you want to make your run to.
  3. Waiting for another target for the campers is unlikely in the most parts of NullSec, waiting might not be a good option.
  4. Start your run in another direction than the “real” escape route to lead the campers who will try to decloak you on a wrong track.
    A rout leading upwards in a bow has proven effective for me on a cloaking ship.
  5. Activate MWD and cloak simultainously if possible.
  6. Get out of the bubble, warp to a random celestial.

Another option when jumping into a gate-camp can be to burn back to the gate. But be aware that this is very risky in a covert ops firgate because it basically has 0 tank. If there is anything bigger than frigates that can apply damage in the time you activate the MWD and cloak and burn back to the gate you came from, you are likely dead.

Situation 3, You warped to a camped gate:
If there is no bubble you should be able to just jump through. Often this leads to situation 1 or 2 on the other side. In this case beeing quick to claok up and warp before a bubble is launched can be key to survival. If you are too slow see steps mentioned under “Situation 2”.

Situation 4, You warped to a camped gate and into a bubble:
If there is a bubble and you warped from gate to gate, a good setup gatecamp has an object sitting at the spot you will land. Like a jettisioned can or drones, which will decloak you. In that case you deal with people who know what they are doing and you are probably dead.
To avoid this just don’t warp directly from gate to gate in null sec. Warp to a random clelestial first. Because most bubbles are setup to drag you from warp when you come from certain spots, like citadels or gates, you are much more unlikey to end up in them when you come from a different angle.

Remember that you can also see the gatecamp on DScan when you are closer than 14.3 AU. If the number and status of pilots on local makes you think that there might be a gate-camp, warp to a celestial near the gate and scan it before you warp there.

Some gates (those between constellations irrc) don’t have clestials in range of the DScan on them. This fact makes them a favoralbe spot of gate campers.
In this case warp to a celestial anyway then don’t warp to the gate at 0 but at 100km and look what’s there.
Sometimes citadels which are in DScan range to the gate but not on your overview can work as such “celestials” so look for them directly in space.

If you have an area which you fly a lot in, it is worth to set up tacital bookmarks on the gates. Those are usually more than 150km (I would recommend 300km) above or below a gate so you will be albe to warp there, check for hostiles and then warp right to the gate.

Nice to know:
  • Afterburners (AB) increase your intertia, and by this your align time = bad when you want to warp. MWD increase your Signature radius making you easier to lock and increases your speed.
  • Fit your ship for alignment, meaning intertia stabalizers in the low slots. Intertia Stabalizers are better than Nanofibers because those also increase your ships sub warp speed which has effect on how fast your ship is entering warp.
  • You enter warp at 75% sub-warp velocity. The higher this velocity, the longer you need for acceleration.
  • Any object closer than 2.000m from you will prevent you from cloaking. Stuff closer than 2.000m will also decloak you.
  • You can activate cloak and any other module simultainously because the server works in “ticks”. Until the server realizes your cloak has to deactivate your MWD or other module, you will have already one cycle going. There is even this “Cloak + MWD Trick” often used on Industrials.
  • You see a timer for your gate-cloak in the top left (blue circle). Waiting for the full extent can reduce focus of the campers you jumped into. They become unsure if they really heard the gate-fire of someone coming in and beome less concentrated.
  • Overheating your MWD can give you the extra speed deciding between life an death.
  • You can’t cloak when another pilot has locked you up. Only option then is to outrun them, good luck.

Summed up, you are very hard to kill when able to warp cloaked. But bubbles are your nemesis.
I hope that wall of text was a bit usefull to you.

tl;dr: Always be cloaked.