How to reach 1 Billion Isk in your wallet

a) Before buying something expensive, it would be best to check all the markets.
Ask a corp mate who’s in the region (or crate alts) and check prices in: Jita, Amarr, Dodixie.
For example, the Nestor (SoE faction battleship) was 580 million ISK in one place but 650 million ISK in another.)

b) For me the path was:
Frigate (Lv1 missions) -> Destroyer -> Cruiser -> Battlecruiser (Lv3 missions).

Then I made a 2nd account, because Lv4 missions are more fun with two battleships / marauders, or a battleship and a battlecruiser. I have been stuck at that stage for a decade, because there no more ship classes that would make sense for me to fly, since I’m a PvE carebear and CCP only adds PvP content.

c) It pays to play with the new UI that lets you search for agents.

  • Standard approach: Grind a Lv1 agent until your standing with his corp is good enough for level 2, then grind that … problem is that it will take a long time.

  • You could pick one corp, find out where their Storyline Agents are, then grind missions in that system. (Courier missions give less rewards than combat, but are often quick to do and also count towards getting storyline missions)

  • You could ask another player who has already unlocked the lv3 or lv4 agents that you want. If you fleet up, do missions, and they “share mission rewards” you’ll get some standing with the agent. Eventually the standing will allow you to get missions from that agent.

BTW: Be careful and only fleet up with people you know. Don’t ask in Local in Jita. (Fleet members can be attacked without repercussion. “Join our fleet, we’ll show you a wormhole” was a very common gank scam.)

  • If you want to perform research later, it may pay to focus on a corp that has R&D agents.

The best way in my humble opinion, is not buying PLEX like most people say. To me it is talking to other people and learning from them. You not only will get knowledge and experience in the game, many seasoned players are more than happy to drop a few million (or even hundreds if you’re lucky) on a newbie who is willing to learn and ask questions.

Fly Safe o7!

No, the game actually explicitly tells you that you cant attack fleetmates without consequences. But mechanics such as fleet warp and filaments can be used to take you somewhere where you CAN be killed without concordokken

Hi guys!

I’ve been grinding a good sum mount by doing DED and Uncharted site in Hi-sec! these faction module are hella expensive dang, but yeah the drop chance is a bit grindy but way safer bet than in a hypernet.

thanks a lot for people who drop tips n trick, wouldnt make it without ya help :’>

Right now im flying an orthrus and ratting the site mostly in Caldari/Gallente space. have been saving to 600 ish mill total (thx deadspace and faction module) with a nice sum of investment for a new orthrus :blush:

Once again thanks a loy guys :pray:


I’m still new but something I haven’t seen mentioned in this thread is:
Be careful what you buy for which ship. Use the Compare tool and get used to comparing everything you buy with it’s alternatives. A LOT of modules don’t add anything to your ship unless you have high skills in specific areas.
Also, get used to simulate your ships to see what modules affect what. Some are detrimental to areas of you ship’s workings.
High priced modules don’t mean they’ll help you in a fight.

Thank you for the thread, very informative.

Simple! U must spent 10 years in the game like 4h on a day 365 days a years ,pay CCP like 2000euro by a Theat the gool in the game (my dream in the game)bild and flayTitan and lose theat ship in 10 minutes.Pss u can t mine in game eny more!!!

I do these combat sites in high sec as well and am now at a point where I make 60-100 mil/h with it on average, and that’s a REAL number. Every 7-10 days I have the loot moved from Amarr to Jita to sell, 2 bil worth at a time.

I would go omega first before plex. It’s like teaching a man to fish instead of giving him a fish. For nothing else, you’ll get faster training, and skill points are the biggest gate to content and isk.

Look for a solid newbro corp, explore what careers interest you most. Then dive deeper into those careers. Have fun.

Once you are playing a career you enjoy, learn to do it well and the isk will follow.

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